Nova saw the pod too late, the flash completely blinding her with a painful light. [color=7bcdc8]"Damnit!"[/color] She hissed, rubbing at her watering eyes. Somewhere in front of her she could feel an unnatural shift, like a small object being replaced with a brick wall. By the time she realized it was moving towards her, the mystery man had pushed her out of the way of the monster's charge. As her vision slowly returned, Nova stared on in shock at the mere size of the petty thief. [color=7bcdc8]"Why the hell is something like that sitting in a bank vault?"[/color] She hissed into her earpiece, not really expecting an answer. Shaking off her hesitation, Nova reassessed her situation more seriously. The man who had helped her was injured, something she wasn't going to forgive herself for a while. Innocents were still in the building but it didn't appear that he was very interested in them anymore, now that he had his snack. [i][color=7bcdc8]Getting you outside should be simple enough.[/color][/i] Nova thought to herself as she returned her guns to their holsters. The shattering glass pane seemed to distract Flash Bang momentarily, but it was obvious by his demeanor that he was looking to attack the mysterious vigilante out of revenge. [color=7bcdc8]"I'm not one to leave debts unpaid."[/color] She growled, closing her eyes as she bolted forward into the monster's path. She felt the heat of a second grenade go off close to them as she forced the vigilante to the ground, slamming a metal staff to the tiled floor just moments before Flash Bang's fist met the "hero" pair. The sonic staff activated, pushing the large mass backward a few steps. [color=7bcdc8]"Note to self... Staff is less effective on objects with the mass of an elephant."[/color] Nova mumbled, collapsing the staff before pocketing the staff and grabbing "Robin Hood" by the bicep. [color=7bcdc8]"Outside. Now."[/color] She ordered him, daring to open her eyes in order to guide the man to the door.