[color=coral][center][h1]Laura Miller[/h1][/center][/color] [b]9:00 AM December 26, 2015[/b] It was the day after Christmas, and that means it was still within Laura's holiday festive period. The automobile shop she worked in closed on Boxing day as the owner of the establishment was a fine British gentleman who knew how to enjoy his holidays. He ensured that his staff did as well, and gave them all an extra day off work. A shrill alarm pierced the air as her alarm went off. She hated the blasted thing. Stretching out her arm to turn it off, but only managing to swat it off her nightstand, she groaned in frustration. She then crawled off bed, before turning off the alarm and returning it back to its original position on the stand. Eventually waking up, she went to the toilet to wash up before heading to the kitchen in her small cozy little apartment. It had been a year since she had moved out from home, and she wondered how her parents were doing. In the kitchen, she thawed out a pack of bacon, before cracking two eggs and whisking them to a nice consistency. When the bacon was ready, she heated up a pan, and started frying up the delicious bacon and the eggs soon followed. In hardly any time at all, she was seated at the table, munching away on her breakfast. She turned on the television, and watched the news. It was broadcasting on the new H1Z1 virus that was affecting several continents of the world. There were plenty of cases already in Africa, Europe and Asia. Fortunately, the United States had been spared so far. The news anchor began informing the viewers about the need for proper sanitization, and personal hygiene. She had also mentioned about those feeling any of the symptoms, to consult a doctor, immediately. As Laura finished her meal, she left the TV running as she went to wash her dishes, the news playing in the background. She didn't know what to think about this H1Z1 business. It wasn't the first time this type virus situation had happened, and it had went away without that much of a fuss in the past. Hopefully, this time it would too. Nevertheless, it never hurt to be prepared.