[h1][center][color=00aeef]Jack Hawthorn[/color][/center][/h1] [b]7:00 AM[/b] [b]December 26, 2015[/b] The alarm screamed to life, filling the apartment with it's loud obnoxious noise. Jack moaned loudly as the sound ripped him out of his dream. He reached over to hit the snooze button, but couldn't find where the damned thing was. Glancing up with bleary eyes he could see it just out of his reach. Stretching farther Jack hit the button, just as he moved far enough to fall out of bed. He hit the floor with a loud thump and stayed there. The sound had stopped and soon Jack was once again asleep. [b]8:26 AM[/b] For the second time that day Jack woke up, this time however in a very different position. His face was lying in his shoe, left hand clenched around the alarm clock. Nose crinkling at the scent, Jack rolled over and slowly pushed himself into a sitting position. Slowly he made his way to his feet where he stumbled into the shower. Only once the hot water was streaming down his body did he truly wake up. Stepping out of the shower, he quickly toweled off before throwing on a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. After looking in the fridge Jack quickly came to the conclusion that there was no food. A half gallon of orange juice, some whole wheat bread, even... an avocado? He hated avocado. It was gross. And squishy. Sighing he turned and grabbed his keys deciding to head down and see if the coffee shop was open the day after Christmas. Man he could use some coffee.