You grab Marco by the sleeve and run left with him. This part of town is much more narrow and almost empty. You see a guy leaning against a wall wearing a hood to cover his eyes. You run down the streets with a raging Grouse on your tails. -"RIGHT!" You scream and once more pull Marco. You rush straight into an alleyway. It's pretty dark in these quarters even though it's in the middle of the day. It's very narrow and you have to run sideways to move without problems. For you and Marco it's pretty easy but Grouse have to squeeze through which slow him down a lot. After a few meters the alleyway gets wider and you can hear behind you a groan when your pursuer managed to squeeze out. What you did not expect was that the alleyway wasn't a alleyway. It was a dead end! [i]That is it. we are done for.*[/i] -"I got you now Jane. First I will break your every bone. Then I go off with your ugly face you are hiding. And lastly I think I'll widen a few holes of your in front of your boyfriend. And don't you dare to run Marco or I'll fucking bash your head in. You are next!" You can feel tears welling up and you fall to your knees, exhausted from your earlier rush. [i]If I only had listen to father and Meister Greenwich. They told me it was dangerous outside. Now I truly know what they meant...**[/i] "Whack!" Suddenly Grouse is on the ground. Laying perfectly still. -"What is all this ruckus about? Why are you fighting in our alleyway huh?" The voice belonged to a male who stood behind Grouse. He is holding a baton in his right hand and a pistol in his left. He is dressed like you, a scarf covering most of his face as well as a hood. He is quite slender and would without the gun in his hand appear quite harmless. -"What is going on Hans?" a head pops out through a door where the man who apparently is named Hans came from. It's a white bald man with many scars on his face. -"We got some fresh meat out here, bring 'em in!" The scarred man grins and starts walking towards you. His body resembles Grouse's pretty well. Before you even can react he hits you over the face and everything went numb. You think you feel him dragging you by the collar. -"What do we do about this one Scar?" Hans asks. -"He looks like a troublemaker to me. You know what do." Scar answers with a chuckle. A loud bang brings a ringing noise in your ears. [i]Farwell Grouse, can't say I'll miss you... Question is, what they'll do to us?[/i] You and Marco get dragged inside the house. It's a pretty simple room you get in. A round table with some chairs is placed in the middle of the room. Above is simple chandelier and against the walls are some smaller tables with random items on. The man named Scar ties you and Marco to a couple of chairs and gags you with cloth. It tastes awful and are soaked in some substance. -"Now you two stay put when we take away that ruffian outside. If you so try to move I will cut off your feet, got it?" You nod quickly while feeling the sweat dripping down your forehead. Scar turns around and you can hear him lock the door behind him when walking out. When you turn your head against Marco you can see him crying, his head looking down at the floor dripping tears.*** [i]What do I do?[/i] *** *Mood changed: Terrified **Happiness -3 ***Happiness -3 *** A). I'm tied to a chair and gagged. There is nothing I can do. I'll just wait and see what happens. B). Maybe I can try to scream for help. I'm gagged but maybe somebody can hear me? C). I'll try to get out of my ties. I refuse to stay here! D). Maybe I can run to the streets like this. I don't know what else to do. [hider=CS]Nymeria Heroica - 14 Years old Difficulty: Hard Items 2 Lassi & 420 Shants Physical Abilities Strength: 6 Agility: 13 Stamina: 12 Fighting skill: 3 Social Abilities Persuasion: 4 Negotiate: 3 Charisma: 6 Social manners: 12 intellectual Abilities Education: 10 Diplomatics: 2 Language: 2 Trade: 2 Royal: 3 Personality Alignment: +2 Temper: +5 Hapiness: -6 Selfishness: -1 Mood: Terrified[/hider]