Tim froze a bit as the late November air grabbed hold of him, pulling him into its icy embrace. He zipped up his baggy army jacket, grossing his arms over his chest as the two of them walked down the street, a comfortable silence settling in over them as they walked. Tim looked at her, she at him. He smiled, and she smiled back at him. Their heads went back to the snow covered side walk in front of them, still smiling. [i]Comfortable silence.[/i] [i]Thats new.[/i] After making it to the Cafe, Tim let Sophia take the lead more, letting her order the two coffees for them. Soon Tim would be ready to do something like that... but not yet. Social interactions were still fare too scary and nerve racking for him to even begin to comprehend. So, coffee in hand, they left the Rose, moving forwards to their destination. Tim took a sip of his coffee before speaking. "Y'know, I was actually, up, doing some looking into those runes a few days ago." He said, looking at her, taking a sip from his coffee. Sophias eyes lightened up, a wonder unleashed in them. "On the internet? I did some back search stuff, y'know. Google searching, forum browsing, all that fun stuff. Well, believe it or not, the language seems to be a bunch of pieces of runes and hieroglyphics and shit from, like fifty different cultures. I had to look at roughly thirty different languages to figure that out." He raised a hand to the side of is head, scratching as his scalp absent mindedly. "I wonder what that means..."