[center][color=OrangeRed][h1][b][i]~Jaidyn Beachley – Eric Bourdelle~[/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters%20-%20Vicier/OUAT%20RP%20-%20Banners%20-%20Vicier/Eric%20Beachley_zpsjs1c375b.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Jaidyn Beachley. [b]Other Names:[/b] Jai, Nemo, Beachley. [b]Real Name:[/b] Eric Thalassa Bourdelle; Prince of the Southern Isles. [b]Age:[/b] 19. [b]Occupation:[/b] Champion Pro-Surfer; works casually as a Lifeguard at Bells Beach. [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age Six):[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f2/ef/a9/f2efa9183ab7351374f9321c74fc3e66.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance - Today (Age Nineteen):[/b] [img]http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/03/28/article-2591332-1CA2518E00000578-998_634x817.jpg[/img] [b]Personality Traits:[/b] Seen by others as an extremely kind and considerably empathetic towards others, Eric is remarkably fun-loving and energetic, always willing to put time aside so that he can spend time with both his friends and his family, the young man valuing his close bonds and relationships above anything else in his life. Quite relaxed and more laid back than most people he knows, Eric loves to explore the world and is very down to earth and extensively mature for his age, rarely putting too much worry into problems that seem to present themselves, and instead choosing to look at life as though the glass is half-full. Polite to all those that he meets and surprisingly sophisticated when the situation calls for him to be, Eric is sweet, charming and even sometimes regal to the eye, always putting his best foot forward in order to impress, not only for the camera's at a competition, but also for those he meets and hangs around with on a daily basis. Also considered to be quite the dreamer, Eric is an exceptionally romantic person, always taking great care and putting a lot of forethought into his relationships, the young man doing his best to find unexpected, exciting and creative ways to express his love for the person his with at the time. Depicted to be remarkably brave and considered to be extremely heroic, time after time Eric selflessly tends to put both others needs and lives before that of his own, and as a lifeguard has no problems risking his own safety so that he can ensure the safety of another. Though seen to be a very social person, Eric does have an independent streak and doesn't mind spending time on his own, the young man enjoying his own company at times, choosing to journey out and explore the beaches he loves and to spend time alone surfing in order for him to think through things that are going on in his life. Highly athletic and extremely dedicated to both his sport and his training, Eric is amazingly strong both mentally and physically, the young man pushing himself past the limit day after day to always better himself, determined to do whatever it takes to make sure that he is the best that he can truly be. Eric has an extremely extensive knowledge over the ocean and everything that it holds within it, having picked up all of his skills and know-how from his parents as they taught him about what it takes to become a champion surfer, the young man doing his best to make them both proud and to make sure that all of their hard work over the years wasn't just for nothing. [b]Skills:[/b] Due to his time spent training out on the water, Eric has an extensive knowledge of the ocean and everything that seems to go with it, having picked up this know-how from his parents as they taught him about just what it takes to become a champion surfer; the young man able to perceive the behavior of the water, and recognize just how a wave will break, by watching the highest sections as the wave appears on the horizon. A strong swimmer, Eric has the strength and perseverance to swim long distances, his expertise of the ocean helping him to understand and keep track of rip currents no matter the strength of them, the young man knowing the best ways to both use and escape them. Choosing to give back to his local community by working casually as a lifeguard, Eric has become highly qualified when it comes to both preforming CPR and giving those who are injured first aid, being sure to keep his qualifications up to date by practicing whenever he can, and by taking refresher courses whenever they are required of him. [b]Biography (Before Earth):[/b] Born as the only son to the loving King and Queen of the Southern Isles and surrounded constantly by both a large and caring family, Eric quickly learnt that he would never need to truly be alone, always at least having one of his fourteen older cousins around to both spend time with and play with while growing up, the young boy becoming exceptionally close with the youngest of his cousins, Hans; the two boys becoming quite inseparable as they grew up side by side. Taking an interest in the water at a young age, Eric began to spend all his free time out on the beaches and in the ocean that surrounded his families castle, the young boy happy to spend hours upon hours outside exploring the wonders that the deep blue sea had to offer the rest of the world, though as time passed by his opportunities to enjoy the world he loved grew less and less. As the darkness began to spread across the land, change began to hit the shores of the Southern Isles, causing a strain on the relationships that had once been strong between the two brothers and their families, the change soon becoming much too much for the three royals to bear. Fearing the worst from the change in his brother and his brother's family, the King and Queen of the Southern Isles soon realized that it was no longer safe for their son to continue live within the Fairy Tale World, quickly setting out to make plans for Eric's safety and well-being. Arranging for him to be sent away with the other children, Eric was taken away through the portal into a world unknown, with the hopes that he would be able to have the chance at a normal life that wasn't filled with the hatred and darkness that the villains seemed to be spreading throughout the world he and the other children had called home. [b]Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] Having been found on his own laying confused within the light surf of Bells Beach, Australia by a young couple of surfers, Eric was quickly taken into their care and their home, the young boy having no recollections of anything that had happened before that faithful night; the sweet and loving couple deciding to call him Jaidyn. Growing into a young teen and having spent every free moment he had in or by the water, Jaidyn used his parents knowledge and skills to his advantage, doing his best to learn all that he could about the sport that they seemed to love. Now nineteen years old and sponsored by one of the best surfing brands to hit the world, Jaidyn pushes himself to his limits, training hard to be the best that he could be; competing in competitions all over the world with his parents watching over him by his side, no longer competitors but now as his personal coaches. When not training or having fun in the surf with his friends, Jaidyn does his best to give back to the community, working casually (when he can) as a Lifeguard on the very beach that gave him his blooming career, though on the off-season when competitions have all finished the he drops everything, treating his family to a surprise holiday with his winnings over the year. [b]Other:[/b] Eric has a tattoo representing his love of the ocean, a present that was given to him by his parents on his eighteenth birthday by his parents, the tattoo covers both [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/58/db/a9/58dba946b472ddb8bf8c0123c0fe39d2.jpg]the shoulder and upper arm on his left hand side[/url]. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MDTCF1dp28]"Que Sera" By Justice Crew.[/url] [/color] [/center]