[center][color=limegreen][h1][b][i]~The Tinker – Tinker Bell~[/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Character%20Page%20Gifs/Tink_zpsnjmytnx6.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Tinker Bell. [b]Other Name:[/b] Tink. [b]Age:[/b] 145 (Physically in her twenties). [b]Occupation (If Any):[/b] Tinker/Adventurer. [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age 132):[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/94/6c/f8/946cf8fdeaea36d8e2a53b0e9f35ef25.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance - Today (Age 145):[/b] [img]http://beautymovesme.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Dianna-Agron-Short-Blonde-Hair.jpg[/img] [b]Personality Traits:[/b] Tinker Bell was born sassy as can be with a feistiness that could hardly be matched. She is an incredibly brave individual as she is willing to do just about anything anyone asks of her without fear. This plays into her heroic tendencies, as she jumps into the fray to help a friend without hesitation. She’s always a selfless and dedicated friend who is incredibly loyal, willing to stick by your side through think and thin (part of this is due to feelings of guilt about betraying Zarina). Tinker Bell is helpful, always willing to lend a hand to anyone who might need her help with tinkering or anything else. Due to her talent and her own interests, Tinker Bell is very intelligent, creative, and inventive, easily being able to put together spare parts to make something entirely new. She is not all good though, she tends to blame things on other people when she's frustrated, even if it is her fault. She often allows her temper to get the better of her and can become quite jealous when it comes to things that she wants. Tinker Bell is incredibly stubborn and begrudgingly admits to being wrong, although she tries her best to be nice about it. Tinker Bell has a mischievous side to her that she picked up from being around Peter Pan and the Lost Boys and it almost goes hand in hand with her adventurous side. Tinker Bell loves challenging work, she is generally a hard and determined worker but she likes to take time now and again to play games. [b]Skills:[/b] Tink has a knack for building, she can make anything from anything. Her favorite things to build with are the lost things that she finds around Pixie Hollow. Tink knows her way around a sword from her time with the Lost Boys and can make many different weapons as needed. Since she makes these weapons, she has a basic knowledge of how they work but is more of a jack of all trades with them rather than a master of one. [b]Biography (Before Earth): [/b] Tinker Bell was born when a baby laughed for the first time on a winter's night. The laugh was carried on a dandelion seed to Neverland, where it was guided by fast-flying fairies to a special area in the Pixie Dust Tree. Terence poured a cupful of pixie dust on the seed, and it turned into a small blond fairy. When searching over the items presented by the fairies to find her talent during a special test to determine her talent, the tinkers' hammer was the only one she passed over. However, the hammer floated toward her and glowed brightly when she touched it, indicating great skill, and the Blue Fairy dubbed her "Tinker Bell." She accepted her role as a tinker until learning that tinker fairies do not visit the Mainland she grew unhappy with this role. It was then that she attempted to change her role, only to cause more problems for the fairies. It was then that she ran away to try and explore the mainland. She met a boy named Peter Pan and became very good friends with him. She joined him and the Lost Boys, playing games, sword fighting, and just having fun. They wrecked havoc for pirates and meet Indians, saw mermaids, and stayed up well into the night. Tinker Bell became infatuated with Peter and even gifted him a large supply of her own fairy dust to allow him to fly, despite not having much left for herself. She grew very jealous of anyone that Peter showed any kind of affection toward and could be quite rude. However, somewhere along the line, she realized that Peter did not love her as she loved him and it hurt. It was a kind of pain that only got worse when she was around him, so she left. She returned to Pixie Hollow and asked the Blue Fairy for forgiveness, to allow her to return. The kindhearted woman allowed Tinker Bell to return to the hideaway and live among the fairies once more, so long as she didn't try to change the talent that chose her again. It was in this time that she met Zarina, another tinker fairy, with a knack for making Tink's inventions extraordinary. The two became fast friends as the worked away, Tinker Bell making inventions for Zarina's experiments that Zarina used on Tink's inventions. For the first time, Tinker Bell truly accepted her talent and did not mind staying in Pixie Hollow. However, this did not last long. One night, Tinker Bell stumbled upon Zarina experimenting with Fairy Dust. She had heard from Terence about the sudden disappearance of Pixie Dust and feared that it had been Zarina. As she watched on, Tinker Bell noticed that Zarina was somehow managing to change her own talent with the dust. Although it intrigued the tinker in her, Tinker Bell could not let her continue... Not when she was stealing Pixie Dust... She regretfully went to the Blue Fairy and told the woman what she had found, turning her best friend in and playing a big part in her banishment. A guilt that she will have to live with forever. Tinker Bell has gone on many adventures since, the Blue Fairy saw use to send the tinker on different jobs to help the other fairies if they found themselves in spots of bother. Tinker Bell continues to build new inventions to make life easier for those in Pixie Hollow as well as travelling throughout the world for the Blue Fairy as she needs. [b]Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] Tinker Bell has never been to Earth and doesn't know of its existence. [b]Other:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zo2PDsqfXBM&list=PL478BFFE20C0BEC63&index=4]Let Your Heart Sing - Katharine McPhee[/url] [/color] [/center]