[center][color=brown][h1][b][i]~Pirate Fairy – Zarina Alteri~[/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/8d66be6711340aa1b8e56a3d76fff7e8/tumblr_mz9kdrtA6p1t4iptlo1_500.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Zarina Alteri. [b]Other Names:[/b] The Pirate Fairy, Captain Z. [b]Age:[/b] 149 (physically mid-twenties). [b]Occupation:[/b] Pirate, Smuggler. [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age One Hundred and Thirty-Six):[/b] Too Much Pixie Dust! [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Jwr4weM8R00/UHWhaIpTt0I/AAAAAAAAADg/KMxngrtPxoM/s1600/Screen+Shot+2012-10-10+at+16.27.14.png[/img] [b]Appearance - Today (Age One Hundred and Forty-Nine):[/b] [img]http://t.wallpaperweb.org/wallpaper/babes/1152x864/pink_alecia_moore_20070512_26011_1152x864.jpg[/img] [b]Personality Traits:[/b] Free-spirited, brave and bold, Zarina possesses an outspoken, 'all-out' personality that can be both attractive and overpowering. Many who first meet her find themselves either loving her fiery demeanor or hating her with nothing in-between. She acts with her conscience, oftentimes letting her heart guide her instead of her head. Because of this she is kind and benevolent, believing in doing the right thing. Yet her free-spirit does also makes her disdainful of laws and regulations as she believes such concepts restrict her freedom. Zarina hates seeing people use intimidation or extortion to get what they want, even more so than when she herself is subject to such methods. She knows how to handle herself in these situations but seeing another person being threatened lights a blazing fire inside her that is nearly unquenchable. Zarina keeps her own moral compass to guide her life by. This compass, while good, may not agree with society's views as society has no place for a free-spirited woman like her. Curious by nature with an adventurer's spirit, Zarina has a tendency of going her own way, which usually involves straying off 'the path'. This tends to land her in a mess of trouble more likely than not, but Zarina's high spirits and an almost uncanny amount of luck allow her to wriggle her way out of almost [i]any[/i] predicament. Zarina never takes anything at face-value, always having to find the answer on her own. Likewise she's incredibly stubborn when it comes to taking advice from others, preferring to drown them out or simply forget anything told to her in favor of adhering to her personal beliefs to reach a conclusion, no matter who it is who's trying to help her. Despite her perky, bubbly nature, Zarina is prone to emotional lows at very rare times, during which she spends her time in the local tavern drinking her sorrows away but never allows herself to get intoxicated enough to impair her judgement too greatly, simply taking the ambiance of those around her to give her a place and time to think. On the other hand, in her usual fun-loving mood, Zarina does have a penchant towards challenging fellow sailors to a variety of drinking games, and prides herself at being the center of attention amidst her fellow drunks. [b]Skills:[/b] Working as a pirate and smuggler for many years, Zarina has developed a certain set of skills that make her a natural at her job. She possesses a sharp wit and acute resourcefulness that only come from an ample amount of experience, making her prepared for nearly any situation that should come up. Sexy and attractive with a [i]rocking[/i] body, Zarina has no qualms against using her body as a weapon in itself, though she hardly reaches this point. She possesses a certain cunning about her that can make her quite dangerous should the need call for it, using her looks, words and street smarts to her advantage when it comes to manipulation. Yet behind her exterior of a simple smuggling adventurer is also a skilled warrior. Zarina is highly trained in the use of short, quick blades and throwing stars in combat, using her lithe frame and inherent quickness to her advantage. Branching off of this, Zarina is also quite skilled in the art of stealth and concealment, able to hide almost anywhere she pleases using her resourceful, quick mind and coordinated movement. But Zarina is still a pirate captain and as such possesses a high amount of skill when it comes to sailing ships, able to pull quick maneuvers and sharp turns with relative ease. Her explorer's instinct and natural curiosity also make her a skilled survivor and a quick learner, her years spent at sea have granted her a diversity in methods when it comes to all of her skills; whether it be a better way to hold a dagger, a better way to tie a knot, or a better way to hunt for food in the wild. Where Zarina's natural curiosity [i]really[/i] shines is her ability to work with and invent new things. Gifted with the mind and hands of an inventor, Zarina spent much of her life as a fairy working on creating new things to make life better in Pixie Hollow. [b]Biography (Before Earth):[/b] Born from the very first laugh of a newborn baby, Zarina opened up her eyes for the first time to find that she had been placed into a wonderfully enchanted world called Neverland. She was given a name and a job almost immediately and thrust into a small group of fairies who were just like her in skill-set. It was this small group of fairies that became her immediate family and helped her to learn all that there was to learn about Neverland and what it was that they did to help the flow of life on this land. For many, many years Zarina did her duty to the fairies, spending her time with her best friend Tinkerbell as they were both top-notch inventors. Between the two of them, they had come up with so many new and wonderful things, fairy life in Pixie Hollow flourished. The arrangement was simple. Zarina experimented, and Tinkerbell tinkered. However, one day when Zarina took her experimenting just a little too far, she was brandished an outcast. Each fairy is given a limited amount of Pixie dust to help make their days just a bit easier with flight or other (smaller) means, but Zerina's curiosity got the better of her and began to horde her portion of Pixie dust until she had a collection large enough to begin experimenting. These experiments were both illegal and dangerous, as she tried to change the colors and powers within the magical dust. She pushed the danger aside, however, as she was on the brink of discovery, finding that when mixed, Pixie dust can change color and be infused with the power of a certain talent. For example, when a small amount of blue pixie dust and a purple feather is mixed, the pixie dust turns purple, representing the fast-flying talent. If pink flower petals are added instead, it turns pink and it represents the garden talent. Tinkerbell found out about these experiments, however and went to the higher authorities to deal with Zarina accordingly. The Blue Fairy, leader of all fairies, banished Zarina from her tinkering position and ordered her to live on the outskirts of Pixie Hollow within Neverland so that she could no longer put the other fairies in danger. Perplexed, but finding no way around it, Zarina did as she was told and left the safety of her home to explore the outside world. Upon her explorations, Zarina met and saw a great majority of wonderful things. She met the Indians, the Lost Boys, and even the pirates that inhabited the area, all of which were off limits to the fairies as they were dangerous, but Zarina did not see any danger, only fun new friends and spent a great number of years playing and learning about them, adopting different traits and skills from each group. However, it was the pirates she became most interested in, and shortly began her own life at sea. Having befriended some of the pirates beforehand, it wasn't at all difficult to have them accept her as one of their own. The pirate Captain's First Mate, James Hook, was a particular close friend of Zarina and was able to put in a good word to their captain, and Zarina was quickly made pirate (so long as she stayed life-size on deck). It was here that Zarina really started to learn. About navigation, about survival, about dueling and scheming and manipulating. About duels and drinking, tattoos and partying. She adored this life, there were no rules set down to follow so long as she did as James and their Captain said and did her daily chores, the rest was on her with what to do, and she didn't squander a single moment. She spent a great number of years as a pirate, traveling through and around each and every ocean, seeing the world and exploring all it had to give them. The world was her Pixie Hollow now, and she never had to look back. That is, until the position for the new captain came up. Their former Captain overcame a sudden illness while traveling around El Dorado. They returned with great haste to Neverland (where they could never grow old) but they were too late. Naturally, James Hook should have stepped up to take place his place as Captain but the crew had other ideas, unsure if he would be a better captain that Zarina or not. So they went about it in a contest, both of them having to find ways to prove to the crew on who would make a better captain. It was done in good sport, as Zarina and James' friendship came first, and so they took the competition as a game... but Zarina [i]really[/i] wanted to be captain. So bad enough, that she devised a plan to return to Pixie Hollow, steal their supply of Pixie dust, and revel in the spoils with her fellow friends. And that is exactly what Zarina did. She knew Pixie Hollow like the back of her hand despite having been gone for a great number of years, so stealing the dust was easy, and the fairies were none-the-wiser, having never seen Zarina since she had been banished. Zarina's plan paid off in the end. The pirates [i]loved[/i] the display of magic and what Zarina could do with it, and so she was promptly made captain and kept James Hook as her first mate, best friend, and eventually her lover. However, there was a jealousy in the air that Zarina was unaware of. As it turned out, James had wanted the pirate captain position just as bad, and had devised a plan of his own to get it. In what Zarina later found out, James had thrown the competition, knowing that Zarina's desperation would have taken her back to her home so that she could steal the fairy dust. Now with a seemingly endless supply on their ship, all James had to do was wait and strike at the precise moment. After a number of years as Captain, Zarina had quite the reputation throughout the land for her modest band of Neverland pirates, as well as picking up a small friend during one of her voyages to The Bayou. A baby crocodile, she promptly named 'Sweetie' was added to the pirate clan, becoming a pet to all but most loyal to her 'Mother.' Finally, after a few more years experimenting with the dust, Zarina finally managed to do what James and the other pirates (who had been in on it the whole time) were waiting for, and granted their ship the ability to fly. Now, with no more use for Zarina (personal relationship feelings aside) James and the other pirates performed a mutiny, taking the remainder of the dust, the ship, all the treasure Zarina had led them to and left her to die on a small deserted island after James literally cut her wings from her body (to keep her from being able to follow them) and made himself the rightful captain. He took all that was now his and returned to a life at sea, leaving Zarina completely heart-broken and emotionally wounded. James didn't get away with it cleanly, however, as Sweetie had made a last stitch effort on her mother's behalf and ripped James' hand from his body with her sharp teeth and powerful jaws and turned it into a tasty snack after James had cut off Zarina's wings. Now alone, save for Sweetie, Zarina lay there on the beach, unwanting and unwilling to go on for the time being, letting the high tide sweep in to take her away. Fate, however, was not done with Zarina, for the island she had been marooned on was near a small and mysterious town known to the public as The Bayou. It was here where the bokor, Dr. Facilier, typically called The Shadow Man practiced his art of voodoo and shadow magic. The Shadow Man's shadow minions spotted Zarina from her place on the island and returned to their 'master', notifying him of the presence of a fairy not far away. Attending to the island in person, the Foul Doctor quickly found the unconscious, wing-less fairy and, deciding to seize this opportunity, collected the befallen fairy's wings and sent them back to his Emporium with his shadow minions while he attended to the fairy. Waking her up, Dr. Facilier promised Zarina that he could and would reattach her wings...if she worked for him for awhile. For the last six years now, Zarina became The Shadow Man's smuggler, at first being placed in charge of incoming cargo, but eventually gaining enough trust and becoming a captain of her own ship once again, in charge of smuggling goods from the surrounding lands of Arendelle, Russia, Oz, El Dorado, Italy, Province and Maldonia back to The Bayou, becoming an invaluable member of The Shadow Man's business. She has yet to venture back to Neverland to exact her revenge on James Hook, but it's on her to-do list. [b]Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] Zarina never made it to Earth and doesn't even know of it's existence. [b]Other:[/b] Zarina has a small assortment of tribal style tattoo's across her body, mainly limited to her ribs, back and thighs. Some of these tattoos are as follows: [url=http://www.itattooz.net/itattooz/Others/Colored/images/itattooz-colored-flower-and-skull-tattoo.jpg]Back of the neck and upper back[/url] [url=http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/76798/76798,1223615378,2/stock-vector-three-dangerous-crocodiles-tribal-predators-vector-illustration-ready-for-vinyl-cutting-18663574.jpg]Hips[/url] [url=http://blog-cdn.tattoodo.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/ear-tattoos-subtle-and-discrete-body-art.jpeg?2dc265]Left Ear[/url] [url=https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQFuiGuhNCrW_uwXqBhWzAZCITssOFitR4imCu9drsnr6bgJt-Ubw]Left Ass Cheek[/url] and various [url=https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSvbF9vB29bqKXz0iKTpU7jQUgaNRk33r61568yrH3F0YctLqM3]other designs[/url] in various areas across her body. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0_RArrxS44]Try - P!NK[/url] [/color] [/center]