[center][color=Orchid][h1][b][i]~The Shadow Man – Armand Facilier~[/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://mrwgifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Eddie-Murphy-Is-Not-Sure-About-His-Approval-Head-Nod.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Dr. Facilier. [b]Other Names:[/b] The Shadow Man, Witch Doctor, Voodoo Man. [b]Real Name:[/b] Armand Facilier. [b]Age:[/b] 32. [b]Occupation:[/b] King of The Bayou - Voodoo Master. [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age Nineteen):[/b] [img]http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Arts/Arts_/Pictures/2013/7/30/1375179328633/Eddie-Murphy-as-Axel-Fole-010.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance - Today (Age Thirty-Two):[/b] [img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Armand-Facilier.jpg[/img] [b]As The Shadow Man -Makeup-[/b] [img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/The-Shadow-Man.jpg[/img] [b]Personality Traits:[/b] Armand is a scheming bokor who has no friends but those on 'the other side." He oftentimes tricks his victims into making deals with him by reading their past, present and future with tarot cards. Oftentimes he over dramatizes the future reading and offers to help change their otherwise 'inescapable' future. He isn't exactly dishonest with his readings, he tends to embellish the bad and hide the good, but there is always a spark of truth in the cards he wields but has learned over the years that the human race is a greedy one and tends to overlook the good and strive only for what he can offer them. However the deals Armand makes usually backfire on the victim like telling someone that he sees 'green' in their future and though the victim automatically thinks 'money' is turned into a frog instead. Armand is also very intelligent and is able to come up with a rather complicated plan in a relatively short period of time. He can be very patient despite how angry he can oftentimes be. He is a suave, smooth-talking man and is oftentimes charming, but on the other side his true colors reveal him to be cruel, remorseless and sadistic. He is a very charismatic performer, a smooth-talker of drama and showmanship. He's also quite the glutton for power. He's controlling and vindictive, doing whatever he can to get what he wants even if that means double crossing those he knows to be more powerful than him, but does so with a cool and collected head to keep from being exposed and will work with [i]anyone[/i] who can promise him more power. Armand does not underestimate the powers of nature either, and knows that animals can talk and have minds of their own just like humans do, and yet he has no problems squishing bugs or sacrificing baby animals for his own voodoo experiments. He has a complete lack of morals and has a treacherous nature, though his true intentions of what he is exactly about remain hidden to everyone but himself... and of course his friends on the other side. [b]Skills:[/b] A true boker with the exceptional talent for left-handed (Petro) Voodoo, he taps into the darker side of magic so very few are able to do genuinely. Both a conjurer and a sorcerer of sorts, he possesses powerful dark voodoo magic capable of accomplishing nearly anything. He can see into the past of a person and see what people desire the most. He is proficient in sleight of hand, effortlessly shuffling, twisting and manipulating his deck of tarot cards given to him by the spirits of the other side personally. Being a skilled conjurer as well, he is able to pull his staff and tarot deck (among other small things) out of nothing at all (though could arguably be tracked back to his ability of sleight of hand). The tarot cards themselves possess strange properties: the images on their face seem to change depending on the person who he is reading, reflecting the desires of Armand's victim's for a more visual effect. The images usually show his victims their future in a positive light, however they are unable to corrupt the truth entirely and usually include a clue as to the victims real fate. Armand also has his use for a strange pink powder, the effects of this powder include (but are not limited to) reversing a curse he has cast upon a victim, making a man spontaneously grow a head of hair, producing puffs of smoke that display memories and desires. His Voodoo Emporium holds all sorts of strange objects, half of which he hasn't even tried, including (but not limited to) shrunken heads and voodoo dolls that can 'come to life, chant, and beat drums' to create a more unsettling mood for his 'clients.' The dolls also serve a practical application for the intended purpose of inflicting pain on the person the doll is modeled after. Armand's abilities are primarily derived from his 'friends' on the other side. These 'friends' of his are in fact a multitude of [url=http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r108/enraged_being/Guardians%20of%20the%20Lineage/Beasts%20of%20the%20Plains/ShadowDemonGuard.jpg]dark spirits[/url] (also known as Loa) which appear to 'give life' to the otherwise inanimate objects in his Emporium like the voodoo dolls and shrunken heads. These shadow spirits come to his every call, forced to do his will as they are trapped between this world and the next, and through Armand, are able to come into our world by special means as more than just shadows. Vulnerable to light, these 'shadows' (and even his own shadow) they grow in power the darker the area is. Sometimes, in complete darkness, the shadows can pull themselves free of their confined walls or floors and become more 3-dimensional, whether it be an arm, a head, a leg, or their whole body for a short amount of time. These shadows are able to affect the real world in which we live, as they are in limbo in a place called 'The Shadow Land' where everything in our world is paralleled, but with shadows. If Armand commands one of his 'friends' to bring him back a physical stray dog, the shadows seek out the dog's shadow and bring it back to Armand, and the physical dog is affected accordingly. Strangely enough, despite having this great power that is unlike anyone ever known, Armand can't conjure anything for himself. Instead, he must rely on trickery and guile to manipulate other people into doing what he wants. The nature of his power seems to stem around making deals; he only gains full access to his voodoo when fulfilling someone else's wishes (although he most often twists them to suit his own ends) or by tempting them. Lucking for Armand, he is a master of lies, deceit and cunning with hypnotic charismatic and vocal persuasion being second nature to him. [b]Biography (Before Earth):[/b] Born in the backwater region of a remote land known as The Bayou, Armand Facilier learned what poverty truly meant ever since his birth. The family of which he was born into was not 'well-off' by any means, and in fact had no sense of bringing in a child into the world as they were not able to even care for the two of them most of the time. Armand's father, a fiscally struggling laborer named Ambrose, did whatever he could to provide for his small family, but his efforts were almost in vain as he hardly made enough to put up a decent meal on the table a few days out of the week, let alone being able to afford a nice house, clean clothes and toys for young Armand and a few years later his sister, Magnolia. Things took a turn from bad to worse when Armand's father received a letter, drafting him into the army in a war that The Bayou had no purpose being in the first place, however as it was law, Ambrose had no choice but to leave his wife and two children. Armand's mother, pregnant with her third child, was forced to take up the mantle in getting a handful of different jobs to keep them from starving to death, though ultimately the small family ended up on the streets. It was at this point where the Facilier's couldn't have fallen lower, it seemed, and with Armand [i]just[/i] old enough to know that things were bad... [i]very[/i] bad in fact, life just wasn't quite finished with them yet. Nearly a year after Armand's father had left for the army, the family was delivered a letter from his station, alerting them that Ambrose had fallen in battle and would not be returning home. The pension for his services gave them very little, and was used up in the matter of a few short months putting them right back where they started, and father-less. Overcome with stress, grief and foul thoughts, Armand's mother finally went into labor, only to have a still birth, and Armand would never get to know what was to be his second little sister. Having reached her limit after this point, Armand's mother placed both him and Magnolia under the care of her husbands mother, Armand's grandmother they called [url=http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6cyv1rzKi1qefovfo1_400.jpg]Mamma Odie[/url], a seemingly senile old priestess who thought she could talk to animals and had a knack for 'natural remedies' for almost everything; but never seemed to work. Still just a young boy, Armand was forced now to raise both his sister [i]and[/i] grandmother (who Armand was even amazed to begin with that she was able to fend for herself and a home to begin with). He spent the next couple years of his life doing a variety of odd jobs where he could, oftentimes spending grueling hours on the streets of the Bayou, getting no real education and making very little in return, being forced to beg or steal just to keep himself and his even smaller family from starving. The Facilier family's problems weren't over just yet, however. Magnolia, at the very young age of eight, mysteriously came down with debilitating symptoms, later examined by a traveling physician and diagnosed as the fatal blood disease, Ebola. Without proper treatment, Armand's sister would surely die within a few weeks, but the Facilier's just couldn't afford the treatment and so Armand was forced to watch as his sister grew worse and worse until ultimately, he found himself digging her grave and placing her lifeless body inside. Now hardened and cynical, Armand became closed off to the world entirely, finding things like love, empathy and compassion to be a fool's waste; no longer worth his time or attention. Even for Mamma Odie, who desperately tried to reach out to him when he came back home at night was given the cold shoulder, as he wanted nothing to do with her or anyone else he had once cared for ever again and eventually left the safety of her little home to go out on his own. Still working hard each and every day, Armand, now nineteen years old, contracted a rare and life-threatening disease himself, later diagnosed as Babesiosis. Figuring that it was just his luck, as his entire family seemed to have some sort of 'bad blood' within them, Armand kept this revelation to himself entirely and waited for death's sweet kiss that would take him away from this horrid life and to reunite with his two sisters and father in a much, much happier place. Somehow, Armand managed to hold on for another five years during the time in which he had refined his skills of thievery, lying, deception and sleight of hand, eventually opening up his own shop of Voodoo to give him something to pass the time by in which most (if not all) of his acts were faked; but faked convincingly. It was also during this time that word had spread like wildfire of Maleficent and her band of villains had otherwise taken over their entire world, leading it into darkness but Armand couldn't find it in himself to care; he was a dead man anyway. The Bayou, small as it was, went without notice and his land was otherwise left to the (comparingly) peaceful villains that of crocodiles and large snakes. One fateful, stormy day as Armand was headed back to his Voodoo Emporium (which doubled as his home), he was finding each and every step to become more and more difficult. Finally, the moment in which he hadn't believed would ever come had arrived. He could feel his entire body shutting down, one organ after another, one limb at a time until he completely collapsed down in an alleyway of the small city. As he lay there, staring up at the rain coming down on his face, Armand could only smile weakly, for his time had finally come. Finally, [i]finally[/i] he would be taken from his horrid life and placed into a much better place. Laying there, waiting, his vision was the last thing to go but before he managed to shut down completely, there was a hard pressure on his abdomen. Weakly looking down at his stomach, he watched as a large black mamba slithered across his stomach, it's head coming straight at him. It's fangs were bared as it hissed threateningly at Armand, copious amounts of venom dripping from it's open mouth. Sighing in relief, knowing that death would come one way or another, Armand closed his deep brown eyes and waited. The Black Mamba struck, clenching it's powerful jaws on the juncture of his hand between his thumb and forefinger and filled Armand's toxic blood with it's own venom. The poison, however, was something else entirely. Armand's eyes flew open, now a soft lavender color; a striking difference from his soft browns. That wasn't the only thing that changed, however. Life was being pumped back into him, his body becoming more and more capable until there wasn't any pain or suffering left. His mind was severely affected, however. It was as if another being had entered into his head, battling with Armand for control over his body until the demon won out in the end, thus creating the link between himself and The Shadow Realm and with the new and proficiently learned skills of [i]real[/i] voodoo. Getting up from the rain gutter, Armand dusted himself off and took his first few steps, no longer himself, but the new and improved Shadow Man. Years later, after perfecting his craft and taking over the Bayou by his own means and even expanding the territory quite a considerable amount, Armand was found by no one other than Maleficent, who demanded his loyalty in exchange for her services; of which Armand took up almost [i]too[/i] eagerly. Now working for Maleficent, there is very little that can get in the way of The Shadow Man, because no one, not even The Queen of the entire land could cross over to the other side like he could. [b]Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] Armand never went to Earth, and has no idea the place even exists. [b]Other:[/b] Armand is one of the few 'reigning Kings' who was not given power by Maleficent, however this did not stop him from pledging his loyalty to her after she managed to track him down a handful of years after her dominating reign. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMwe7WJK17M]"Serenity" By Godsmack.[/url] [/color] [/center]