[center][color=DarkKhaki][h1][b][i]~Frog Prince – Naveen Repholza~[/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Naveen%202.gif[/img] [hider=SPOILER GIF][img]http://media.tumblr.com/45224247081a15e7435ed4e62592834f/tumblr_inline_naq3sjc2AU1ssoiqt.gif[/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Ribbit. [b]Other Names:[/b] The Frog Prince, Prince. [b]Real Name:[/b] Naveen Repholza. [b]Age:[/b] 26. [b]Occupation:[/b] None. [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age Thirteen):[/b] [img]http://www3.pictures.gi.zimbio.com/Premiere+Disneynature+Earth+Arrivals+NMbiBjibVu_m.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance - Today (Age Twenty-six):[/b] [b]Cursed[/b] [img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Naveen.png?t=1424656836[/img] [b]After the Curse is broken[/b] [hider=SPOILER][img]http://pintaw.com/images/wallpapers/Shemar_Moore_Wallpaper--2048x2048.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality Traits:[/b] Naveen is an exceptionally outgoing, easygoing, laid-back, smooth-talking and music-loving Prince. He often-times makes exclamations in his native tongue of Maldonian, his favorite being "Achidanza" whenever he sees or witnesses something he especially likes. He is fun-loving and lazy, but a well educated philanderer. He loves to dance and play music, having learned to play a variety of musical instruments at a young age. Although he has a lot of innocent charm to him, Naveen's childhood was spent spoiled, having servants wait on him hand and foot, day after day for years upon years. Though not with malice, Naveen didn't exactly treat his servants very well, either, showing a constant lack of appreciation to any and all who had ever served him. He has a love for women that stemmed from a very early age, however the furthest he was able to get was a couple ballroom dances with some older princesses due to being cursed at the age of thirteen. Whilst seeing himself as a heavy philanderer, he does have a huge romantic side to him that has only grown with his isolated age. Most of these traits have carried over into his curse though mostly it is out of spite as he realized as he grew up just how unbecoming of a Prince he really was, so he constantly mocks his younger self mostly by pretending to be vain, constantly commenting on how gorgeous and wonderful he is despite his cursed appearance. Underneath this guise, however, Naveen isn't at all as confident as he likes to believe, ultimately having a huge amount of disappointment in himself and treating others terribly throughout his childhood and wants nothing more than to make amends by 'paying it forward' in treating others he meets along the way with kindness. [b]Skills:[/b] Not exactly [i]without[/i] skill, Naveen doesn't have very many [i]significant[/i] ones that need any particular explanation, however he does know how to play a variety of different string instruments as well as a few wind instruments like an ocarina or pan flute. Along with this, he is a skilled singer and dancer, able to adapt to any style of music and sometimes creates new ones of his own. He was well-educated as a boy on Maldonian history and the history of various other kingdoms, but most of that information has slipped from his mind as of date. He has a basic feel for survival skills, having been subjected into hiding for the last thirteen years and living off of the land (though keeping himself close enough to others for occasional conversation and learning 'today's news' so he can keep in touch with reality and know what is going on within the kingdoms). His fighting techniques are limited to the experience as child playing with a wooden sword out in the courtyard with his friends; same with a bow and arrow. [b]Biography (Before Earth):[/b] Born in the kingdom of Maldonia, Naveen lived a life of a silver-spoon in his mouth at all times in a castle of polished marble with his mother and father (the King and Queen) and a few years later his younger brother, Prince Ralphie, joined the royal family. Growing up, Naveen was quite the freeloader, spending most of his time being waited on and never learning to do a thing for himself, including activities as basic and simple as cooking. His parents didn't seem to mind, wanting nothing but complete lavishment for their two boys and were too busy running the kingdom to have any personal time with either of them to want to teach them anything. When Naveen turned ten years old, he and his family took a trip to Swan Lake to pay tribute to the newest born royal to the land, a Princess by the name of Odette. It was during this time when Naveen and Ralphie were off busy playing, their parents came up with the most wonderful idea that when Odette was old enough to be married, Naveen would have her as a bride and the two kingdoms would come together in a strong union. Naveen was quickly brought to the newborn Princess after it had been decided, where Naveen's father bestowed the both of them with a swan necklace (in honor of Swan lake and the royal family's last name). For the next three years, Naveen was forced into visiting Swan Lake on a number of occasions so that he would become more comfortable with the area (and Odette) and get used to the idea of one day ruling the two lands. Naveen hated it, and often skipped out to hide from the royal servants who were ordered to take him back to Odette, but Naveen was tricky and resourceful, and often-times wasn't caught. Then, one day, Maleficent's tyranny came to a startling front. Immediately, Naveen and his family took their ship to cross the sea to Swan Lake to ensure that Naveen and Odette remain together, having heard from The Blue Fairy (their family guardian) of a portal that could keep their children safe in another land. However, upon arriving to the once familiar land, the King of Swan Lake and his child were nowhere to be found and instead, had been taken over by an evil sorcerer. Unfortunately for the Repholza family, Maleficent herself (a guest of the sorcerer Rothbart) had taken up a temporary residency within the kingdom's castle, and were none-the-less captured as her prisoners. Knowing that being held captive was not something in which they wanted their children subjected to, the King and Queen worked quickly trying their best to formulate a plan in which the family would be able to slip out leaving their captors behind. Using his knowledge of the castle, Naveen's father helped to coerce a few of the prison guards keeping watch over the royal family to allow them passage, reminding a few of them of their ties they had before they were subjected into working for Rothbart. After months of planning under Rothbart's nose, the Royal Family was finally given their chance to escape (thinking that Maleficent had returned to her own Kingdom) through the underground sewers. This was not the case, however, as it seemed Maleficent was far more resourceful and watchful of the Royal Family than Rothbart. Catching up with them before they could get too far, Maleficent (slightly fascinated with their will to escape) gave them a single chance to give to her their loyalty, offering them the life they once had if they chose to side with her. Straight out refusing her offer, the King and Queen urged Naveen to take his brother and escape the clutches of the evil that had spread through the land, however Maleficent was quick to act ripping the hearts of the royals from their chest, crushing them to dust in her hands before the eyes of the two young princes. Terrified of what they had just seen, Naveen shouted to his younger brother to run the two of them taking off as fast as their young legs would take them, though Maleficent was quick to act, her and Rothbart appearing on either side of them in a couple of thick plumes of purple smoke. The boys, having a few years of their school-yard play for experience and prior knowledge of the castle they were in, figured the best plan would be to split up using their quick pace and their small frames to slip past the evil sorcerers. Reacting to the sudden change in plan, both Maleficent and Rothbart sent magical blasts towards each of the boys quickly trying to apprehend them. Catching Ralphie square in the chest, Maleficent's blast sent him flying backwards, the younger boy crashing into the wall. Naveen, frightened and thinking the worst for his brother refused to look back, continuing on the path he was on as he attempted to run to freedom. Frustrated at the young child, both Maleficent and Rothbart shot yet another blast towards him in unison, their magic combining before catching up to their intended victim. One blast intended to stun while the other intended to curse, the combination of their magic caused both Maleficent and Rothbart to watch on as something that neither of them expected seemed to unfold before them. Their gaze caught sight of what looked to be both a frog [i]and[/i] a human as it disappeared from sight, leaving them standing alone together in silent surprise. Their shock more than helped to give the prince plenty of time to get away from the castle, never to be seen or heard of again. That is, not until nearly eleven years later when Naveen was found and captured by Armand's shadows and taken prisoner in The Bayou. [b]Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] Naveen had been taken by his father to the portals to reach this 'unreachable land' however they were too late and Naveen was never sent through. [b]Other:[/b] Naveen always has a small mandolin on his person to play and sing to himself, he always has an umbrella made from leafs and other swamp-like materials. Though, the umbrella is mainly for show and theatrics. Naveen also has a particular [url=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d8/36/f8/d836f853e822517f463c1d771979d3f5.jpg]necklace[/url] that was given to him after the birth of Princess Odette of Swan Lake, a keepsake from their parents to remind them that they were to be married once Odette reached her sixteenth birthday. He only holds onto it now because of Odette's sudden disappearance just before he himself was cursed into being a frog. He keeps it as a reminder of her, but keeps it hidden underneath his shirt. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SKFwtgUJHs]It's My Life - Bon Jovi[/url] [/color] [/center]