Sai smirked. Sirka was refreshingly straightfoward. "I'm not entirely useless in a firefight. I'm no lethal weapon, but I'm a pretty decent shot with a sniper rifle, and I can hold my own up close. If it gets too hot I might take you up on that offer for cover though," Sai grinned, getting up from her seat. She stretched for a second before moving to leave the cockpit. "If memory serves, I don't have enough beds set up to accommodate everyone. I've got two spare beds back in the cargo hold - it's no luxury liner, but it'll have to do, right?" Sai managed to squeeze herself past Sirka and into the corridor, making her way to the main cargo hold behind weapons control. She raised her voice to be loud enough so that everyone on the ship could hear, "As you guys will notice, we're a little lacking on space in here. I'm propping up two beds in the cargo hold, which is mainly empty, so a couple of you can try to fit yourselves in there. Maybe the pretty little one here, hm Trazi?" Sai flashed her typical - almost iconic, at this point - grin at the small Twi'lek. "Watch where you step; I've got hidden holes all over this damn ship. Some of the paneling is bound to come loose, so mind yourself you don't end up falling into one of them like a womp rat trap," Sai warned Trazi. Sai owned the blasted ship and she fell into the holes every so often. It was just embarrassing. Fortunately, nobody had been around to see those blunders, but falling into one now would surely shorten her lifespan with this team significantly. Sai reverted to her raised voice to finish off her announcement to the team, "Give yourselves a few more minutes to settle in while I get these beds set up and we can hold a meeting in weapons control to figure out this plan of ours, yeah?" With that, she moved through weapons control and into the main cargo hold, where she had two beds propped up and strapped into the wall. She removed the straps, placing the beds so that upon entering the hold, there was one in the back left corner and one in the back right. Nodding at her interior decorating ability, Sai spun around and took a seat at one of her targeting computers, waiting for the rest of the team to get comfortable and meet her.