[center] [b]Name: [/b] Al-Gin Garama Daroon [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 47 [b]Magic:[/b] [i]gourmand Magic. [/i] He creates, eats food and takes properties from the food in order to create attacks. E.g Strength, size, etc. Some examples of this could be "Burning Wind" Where he eats spicey food, and creates a wind that burns. [b]Magic Level: [/b] A Guild Master level magic (Researching the guild leaders levels. WIll put in when I find them) [b]Personality:[/b] Al-gin is oppossed with food, and no wonder, as his magic revolves around it. He views magic similarly to food, in that he thinks the best magics are the rare or unique ones. While he isn't trusting, he is somewhat gulliable [b]History[/b]money with a super successful restaurant, but... it's not enough. He hasn't made that awesome dish yet. That perfect dish that's just MMMMMmmmmmMM! And then one day ssssssomething happens. Collateral from a wizard fight, or a a a a sand golem rolls through or whatever. Anyway, he takes it as a chance to pick up and move out. Find what he's missing for his food. He probably paid for some of the repairs but then couldn't afford the airship he wanted, so the townsfolk turned around and helped him in return. Gave him supplies so he wouldn't have to pay for him, so he could just buy the airship he wanted. A large ship, capable of docking another smaller ship, for ferrying between the surface and the mothership. He would create a restaurant on board the ship to fund his travels. To help defend his ship, for he knew nothing of running such a vessel, he asked a dangling plot thread wandering wizard to teach him magic. The choice of magic to teach was obvious. [b]Team Members:[/b] N/A [b]Three Strengths: [/b] 1. Fantastic Cook 2. Great understanding of his magic and how it works 3. Quite energetic. [b]Three Weaknesses: [/b] 1. Gullible 2. Not necessarily the strongest person. 3. Perhaps a little on the heavy side. [b]Greatest Love:[/b] Do you really have to ask? FOOD [b]Motivation:[/b] To create the best dish, no matter the cost. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/jumhUZB.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Tidius Reinor [b]Age[/b]: I'm thinking....27 [b]Magic: [/b] [i]prototype copied magic[/i](What were you thinking for that?) [i]Edolas Style weapon magic[/i] The Doctor has created several edolas style weapons magic, prototypes, but nevertheless effective. [b] Magic Level: [/b] hm. I'm thinking He doesn't actually have a level [b]History:[/b] All that is known of the doctor is that he is from Edolas. [b]Personality: [/b] The Doctor is quite manipulative. He is very obsessed with obtaining earthland style magic for himself. He seems to be geniunely concerned with the guilds wellbeing, but is quite focused on his own things. And is not above using people to reach his own goals. [b]Team Members:[/b] N/A [b] Three Strengths: [/b] 1. Highly intelligent 2. Goal orientated 3. Determined [b]Three Weaknesses: [/b] 1. Perhaps too focused 2. Doesn't have any close friends, or family. Or really anyone. 3.um... [b] Greatest Love:[/b] Magic [b]Motivation:[/b] Obtaining earthland magic for himself [b]Appearance: [/b] [/center] [img]http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/387201/modules/forum/attachments/Cool_Scientist_105589_900x700theAnimeGallerycom_1382233150.jpg[/img]