[b]Fulton Public Library, Alanta, Georgia United States of America[/b] She was right about the noice attracting more infected, assembling several wooden structures would create the necessary noice to gain the attention of the infected on the streets around them. An acceptable situation, the worst outcome was crowded streets amongst the library and infected making their way to the lower floor of the building. Yet with the ways to get to the uppers floor having been barricaded, that would be as far as they could go. Still, an increase of infected would make moving around more troublesome. [color=0072bc]''That's great, we can use those once I get the materials we need. I'm not concerned about other survivors seeing the structures though, the only way in for them is through the ground floor. I suppose the infected could be a small issue if they hear the construction noices but they won't be able to get very close to us. I could always set up a distraction or draw them away later.''[/color] The ground floor was littered with corpses, both human and infected. Anyone looking in from the outside would have to take the possibility of them awaking into consideration before entering. Once inside they would find the stairs to the upper floors barricaded, removing the barricade would take considerable effort and time. The only other way in was through the roof, yet with the library being the tallest building amongst those connected to it, there was no way for anyone to actually get up there without a ladder of their own. The chance of any people actually having a ladder with them was so small that John did not take it into consideration and thus thought of the ground floor as the only way in. The sudden realisation of the ground floor providing a natural obstacle for any Human that passed by, completely changed his approach. First he wanted to clean it out and then barricade the ground floor as well, but in its current state it struck fear and demoralised anyone having to enter. Only Anastasia and he knew that all the infected and bodies down there were already dead. That ment that if he wanted too, he could simply go down there and gather any materials he needed. There wasn't much to gather though, electronic parts and books mostly. The bathroom did have some spare pipes to repair or make a modified weapon like he already carried, collecting them in advance would be benefitial. [color=0072bc]''I'm not sure if i'm comfortable eating pigeons, what if they carry the infection as well. They might even carry other diseases. I'm already paranoid up to the point of not drinking from any pre-opened bottles of water I find. I think we should focus on the canned goods and the construction of a garden.''[/color] Neither of them could be sure of the workings of the virus, it was already beyond what anyone had ever encountered before. Taking risks was not something they could afford. Having their base in the library proved to be a considerable effort, there were lots of books about various subjects. Including maps on the city, detailed ones too. John had grown up here, something that already provided him with an advantage, yet having a map only increased his knowledge. Pinpointing a construction site or store wouldn't be difficult, the most difficult thing would be to transport all the planks and necessary equipment back to the library. He needed a pick-up truck or a car at the very least, a vehicle would also help with gathering the equipment they needed from a gardening store, including the seeds and suitable soil. [color=0072bc]''Do you think you could study the maps for me and circle all the closest construction sites or construction stores? You should also circle those that might sell gardening supplies. I would be able to scout them and see which one would provide me with the best odds of success.''[/color] He had gotten to know Anastasia good enough to see when she was upset, memories of the ground floor proved to be a significant issue so he dropped any attempt to talk to her about it, including bringing up that she might be upset, hoping that a different subject would get her mind off of it. Now that the plans were layed out John opted to switch to normal conversation, he did enjoy talking to her after all. Having been enclosed in the same space with an attractive woman made his mind wander from time to time, though seeing the corpses of infected or running from them usually took care of those thoughts. It wasn't often that he really sat back and just thought about things. [color=0072bc]''How's your leg feeling? I've asked before but i'm still wondering if there is anything we can do to speed up your recovery.''[/color] They had little medicine but they did not have much need for it yet, John however did understand that he needed to get more before winter, still it was low priority right now. First the garden then medicine. '[color=0072bc]'There should be a few books about your condition around here.''[/color] John did know a few things about treating a leg injury, such as the leg massages they preform on people some times. Yet he didn't know whether or not something like that applied to her situation. The fact that it was raining didn't even cross his mind untill he glanced out of the window by pure chance, rain would be quite fortunate for them. It filled the containers set-up on the roof and thus increased their water supply. It probably wouldn't last long though. [color=0072bc]''Anna, we should keep our eyes on the weather, a rainbow may appear.''[/color] He smiled, figuring it would cheer her up to see some beauty out there.