[centre][img] https://www.jssa.org/wp-content/uploads/Boy_Teenager.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Thomas Holtz [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Nationality:[/b] British [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Profession/job:[/b] University student, barman. [b]Skills (practical):[/b] First aid, cooking, hand to hand combat. [b]Skills (specific):[/b] Thomas hopes to be a doctor, and is currently in university for medicine, he also knows some first aid and is a qualified medic, but has only had to use it once in the real world. He is also not bad at cooking. Also, he is better than the average male at hand to hand combat, but not too good, as he has not been learning for very long. [b]Brief Bio:[/b] Thomas was born to two Jewish parents, and has been raised as an Orthodox Jew for his whole life. When he was ten, his father is a doctor, and Thomas hopes to follow in his footsteps. As such, he is currently at university studying medicine. This means that he has some knowledge of diseases and first aid. When Thomas was ten, his mother died in a car accident. Since then, he has been cooking most of the food for his family, meaning that he has gotten better at it. He has also had anger issues, and when he was sixteen he started going to the gym to vent his anger, but has only been going regularly for the past three or four months. This has allowed him to get slim, and also to gain some muscle, to combat his young looking face, for him to look mature, even though he is nearly six foot. For thr past month and a half, he has been attending a Krav Maga class, but isn't very good at it yet. [/centre]