(To be read in the voice of J.K. Simmons) [i]"Well, how're yall doin' out there? This is Jimmany Christmas from Carolina Panther Radio. I know you all like how that hack from DC has managed to get his signal all the way down here, but trust me, he doesn't know what's going on down here. Well, Today, the Enclave have stepped up their patrols and have been taking buildings left right and center. But trust me, Mr Gallows of the Panther Empire has assured everyone that the Enclave will never gain access to the Bank of America fortress. Power Armoured thugs are no match for the Gladiators of the Empire... Plus, we have a LOT of Missile Launchers, try to get past that, hahaha, you're funeral. You know what, I dare you. Those helmets are kinda cool and I could use one on my desk. Alright, time for a song, Ol' Blue Eyes may have been dead for almost 300 years, but he still brings a tear to the eyes of many. If I had things my way, we'd all be sipping Nuka Cola's on a beach with not a Mirelurk in sight... [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E2hYDIFDIU]But, looks like Frankie's gonna have it his.[/url]"[/i] The three walked along the dusty road towards New Charlotte, Katty, Fluffy and Grunk. Grunk held Fluffy in his arms and stroked his head, the rat squeaked. But, suddenly rolled and writhed until he wriggled out of the large green arms. It then sniffed the ground, before running towards a ruined gas-station. "Nigel, Fluffy smells something!" Grunk called to Katty, the two followed after him and pushed into the station. All that was there was a few Radroaches and a load of empty bottles, as well as a streak of blood along the floor. Fluffy sat, eating a dead Radroach, Katty approached him and stroked his head "Good boy." she said, then drew her pistol and shot another Radroach. She then walked over to the ruined cash register and opened it. A few rolls of pre-war money. Not much, but some traders collected them. She then looked behind her at the shelf and saw a few packets of cigarettes. Another luxury that would sell well. She pocketted them. "Found anything, Grunk?" she called. There was a familiar pop and hiss that indicated that Grunk had found a Nuka Cola. "How many?" "1... 2... umm..." "3, sweety." she replied. "Remember numbers." She sighed, she knew that his impaired mental abilities were thanks to her experiments on him, but she was determined to stop him from going feral, like the yellow ones up north, or those of the Master from back on the East Coast that she had heard of. "3... 4... 5... 5, there's 5." he called. She followed the blood trail from the entrance to the corpse of the man that Grunk was scavanging off of. "Poor bastard." she mumbled. "He's not been here too long, Rigger has set in, but he's not decomposing... But the Roaches have started eating him..." She grabbed a bottle of Nuka-Cola and held it to her head. "Warm..." she grumbled, before opening it and taking a few sips. She then snapped her fingers so that Fluffy would come to her, she scratched him behind the ear "Good boy." she then opened another bottle and put the opening in his mouth, pouring it down his throat, he drank all he could, but with a lack of lips, unfortunately, most of it went all over the floor. He still seemed to purr with delight, though. "Alright, let's get going. Whoever killed this guy could be close." "Alright, Nigel." replied Grunk, as they went outside. Katty looked at the gas pumps and then grabbed a rusted canister that lent against the wall before walking to the pump and putting the nozzel into the canister. She pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. "Well..." she said, looking up at Grunk "It was worth a try. I can only imagine how much actual coolant fluid would have gone for at market." She got up and stretched, before the continued to walk down the road.