Eobard Thawne didn't like travel. An experience with time travel makes one... Reluctant to go much place else. But here he was, Gotham City. He'd once heard a quote of streets being nothing more than extended gutters, and it was never more true than for Gotham. Human slime waited around every corner, the lowest class of criminal, scum who reveled in their muck only to steal purses from little old ladies. Such petty tasks- Criminals these days hardly had vision. That was what Eobard had that the others didn't- Vision. He had his intricate plan all laid out, his masterstroke. It would put him as the true king of the earth, and his throne would be built of the broken bodies of each Justice Leauger. He'd have a sword made from the Flash's spinal cord, and a shield of Batman's rib cage. And now, he was here to acquire the shield. Most villains seemed to have a hard time of figuring out who the Bat was, but Thawne completed such a simple task in a single afternoon. It had taken only a few minutes for Zoom to thoroughly analyze every scrap of data on every Leaguer in history. It was easy to convince a hacker to access Justice League systems when you'd pulled the still beating hearts out of each of his friends torsos, before ripping off their limbs and utilizing them to beat compliance into the hacker. Now Zoom was fully aware of every weakness and secret I.D. of each Justice Leauge member. The Flash, Barry Allen, was already known to him, but the others were interesting. Superman, Clark Kent, Lanterns John Stewart and Hal Jordan, and the one he was here for, The batman- Bruce Wayne. Zoom held in his hands a complete floormap of Wayne Manor- Cross referenced with historical data and his findings from the Justice Leauge computer. the infamous Bat-Cave stood out like a sore thumb. Zoom was sure Batman was there now- Over the course of a few dozen miliseconds he'd done an entire sweep of the city, finding the Bat nowhere. The only logical location was the cave. Zoom was there in just under a millionth of a seconds, vibrating his particles through The Batcave's rugged rock walls. he darted forward, snatching up the Dark Knight in his gloved hands. "Mr Wayne, I'd like to introduce myself." Zoom smiled crazily through the only gap in his mask. "I am your death."