"It means," Sophia said with an excited grin, "whoever wrote them in that cave was very intelligent if they knew fifty languages." She reflected for a moment as she sipped her coffee then added, "OR there were multiple people working on it. We can probably piece some of the things together using google translate or books on languages, but I can't be sure if we can get everything right. I think we should get a notebook or two and start writing down what we find, taking notes. Maybe that will help us connect things." As they walked along, the snow on the sidewalk crunching nicely beneath their feet, snowflakes once more gently began to fall from the sky. On either side of the street there were city workers putting Christmas lights up on the telephone and light poles, and shop owners were beginning to take down fall decorations and put up Christmas ones in their place. Sophia let out a small laugh. "Look at that," she told Tim. "Pretty much the day after Thanksgiving and people are already getting ready for Christmas. Can't say I really blame them, though, what with the snow already beginning to settle in. It seems like we're going to have an early winter."