[quote=@Zero Hex] [@Psyga315] [@Phantom Wanderer] Something I've realized going over CSes now that the game is up: Micchy shouldn't really be in a position to do anything. This takes place 100 years after the riders did the great sealing bit, that'd make Mitsuzane like 120 years old at a bare minimum so his involvement in anything should probably not be a thing. Kouta I could sort of understand. I mean, he became god specifically to make sure Helheim doesn't bother Earth anymore and took the portion of it connected to the planet into the ass ends of the universe while The Snake buggered off to make a new Forbidden Fruit elsewhere, so random cracks shouldn't be a thing anymore. But that can kind of be handwaved by a mixture of the seal weakening Kouta and Mirai Shocker trying to open pathways into the forest. I don't think Mitchy should be there, doing things when he's at the very least 120 years old unless he became Grape Lord or something, tho. [/quote] ...I can't believe I let that pass. But yea, Psyga already got the solution though, so it's fine. Make that another Kureshima. Also, [@Zobozun] in your post you say that the city has no existing roads leading to it and it doesn't appear in census but, I mentioned in the starter, it attracted turists. Well...we could say the roads were closed though.