He hated all of them. Every single one of them! He felt his nostrils flair at Dawn's comment. [url=http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/xe#English]Xe[/url] was pretty high up on his list of people he hated. Xe was self-centered and so full of shit! God, he'd enjoyed ripping that head straight of its shoulders. Dawn was the sort of person, Alex would have hunted for fun. He wouldn't have fed, just chased scared screams through the dark, enjoying the begging and pleading. Alex gripped his steering wheel tightly and forced himself to climb up to the higher ground. He was sure her intention was for him to flip all of his shit. It was working.. However, the sound of immature laughter reached his ears pretty quickly. He twisted his head to look over at Nessa although her humour was lost on him. He ignorantly turned his head and decided what mattered was following that bitch and its disgusting friend. What he'd give to be the only thing keeping Dawn alive later was unimaginable. He half fantasized a moment including himself being the one to finally end it all.. He pulled his attention back out and pulled out of parking spot and into the road, a well practiced maneuver. An uncomfortable ripple chased across the hair on the back of Alex's neck and all along his arms as the stereo changed. His grip tightened around the steering wheel once again, causing already pale knuckles to drain of what little colour they had. He had to concentrate. There were two of them.. Little Miss Loopy in the back probably wasn't a threat but no doubt she'd reach someone before he could do anything. Alex reached across and turned the volume down, desperately trying to conserve what little willpower he had left. [b]"Just tell me which way she went."[/b] He muttered, trying to push the memories back out of his head. Naomi... Catherine... Beth. He missed her, she'd been far more fun than anyone else. His hairs danced on end, whilst his mind and willpower fought the underlying hunger that no amount of kind would satisfy. He would have to feed tonight. No matter who it was. If he got caught, he'd steal a van. The girls could drive. He'd leave the city as he always did. Alex fidgeted slightly, shifting until he got comfortable once again. He took one hand off the wheel and let his right hand relax out of sight until the shaking stopped. He couldn't let it get any worse; the man was cold turkey