[centre][img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/1d31/f/2013/125/1/3/old_man_by_artangelo-d6463c3.jpg[/img] NAME: Bishop Forthwind Cedany ABSTRACT: A kindly old priest who yearns to spread his knowledge to the youths and explore the world he has yet to see. INTENT: To die knowing he made some sort of difference in the world. FIRST ADVENTURE: Forthwind's first adventure happened when he was a much younger man than he is today. He was in his mid-twenties and had just gotten married to his now deceased wife, Rohesia. While Forthwind was more of a bookworm at that time and would have preferred to stay indoors, Rohesia was a keen explorer and practically forced Forthwind out of the house. They explored a cave nearby the small cottage they had bought. They were surprised to find a herd of Purdos, essentially dog-sized rats living down there. The Purdos did not take kindly to the intrusion. While Forthwind attempted to help by swatting the large stick he had used for walking, he was ultimately unneeded as Rohesia quickly disposed of the Purdos with a few quick slashes with her sword. He returned excited for their next adventure. HOW DO YOU KNOW KETTLE? Forthwind met Kettle on a rather stormy night a few years ago. He and Rohesia had just been to see one of the most exquisite plays and were riding home to their cottage in a carriage. They encountered Kettle trudging through mud, soaked through to the bone. Of course, Forthwind and Rohesia were far too kindly to let the girl travel on an unsafe, wet, dark road in the middle of nowhere. They let her travel with them in the carriage and even gave her a place to stay in their empty room for the night. Forthwind and Rohesia were amazed to hear of Kettle's tales and of all the people she had met. After Rohesia had went to bed Forthwind and Kettle discussed more topics that Forthwind found interesting, such as religion, books and philosophy. Suffice to say, Forthwind and Rohesia found her a very charming young lady. WHY DID KETTLE PICK YOU? Forthwind has been known to convince and get on with just about anyone. Along with this, he is also a cunning linguist and knows a few languages that may help if any locals were to stumble upon the group. HOW DO YOU KNOW [b]IGNACE?[/b] Forthwind met Ignace after commissioning a statue of his church's god, Lofian in Forthwind's church. Forthwind admired Ignace's ability and creativity and ended up talking to him a lot of the time when Ignace was supposed to be working. This annoyed some of the other priests in the church but Forthwind jokingly assured Ignace that procastination was not a sin. [@TheWildHost] [/centre]