[quote=@orangebox] I am very interested! Custom races are allowed yes? (By custom I mean a slightly visually different variation of a Harpy) I'm thinking of going with my Alchemy/Herbalist character. [/quote] Hi there! Hrrm hmmm hummm . . . y'know, I can't think of a very good reason to disallow this. So, yes, sure, absolutely, go for it. ;) I suppose I will edit the rules, then! [quote=@drewccapp] Yo Mokley! I'm interested in this RP for sure! Methinks I need to think of a character though... [/quote] Hey there! Of course, by all means stick around! A character would be a nice thing to have, but not entirely necessary to hang out, I suppose. ;) [@Mr_pink] Brilliant character! So far it seems we could very much benefit from such a man of wisdom. I will shortly be working on the OOC. Once I get some sugar into my system.