[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/3HrtqGJ.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/SGf2s4a.jpg[/img][/center] [color=#a7a7a7][h3]Concept[/h3][hr] This is a fantasy sandbox RP with a plot woven into the background. The characters are anticipated to go on an expedition to uncharted ruins, which could be the remains of a legendary city sought for centuries by explorers. Kettle is being uncharacteristically secretive about it, however, and has sent cryptic invitations by private courier instead of enlisting the help of the locals. She is not the only one seeking the ruins, and her every move is being watched. [h3]Guidelines[/h3][hr] [indent][b]SETTING[/b] This world is not Earth. It is primarily fantasy, but there is no magic. Most of the world sees little need for more than tents and fire pits, while the more developed cities enjoy steampunk-like technology levels. Players are encouraged to develop the world around their characters -- to create environments, creatures, and societies that affect their characters' backstories -- as long as the players remain aware that any worldbuilding may or may not be used in the RP. During character creation, the GM might make suggestions for characters to further tie them into the plot and to the setting. [b]GAMEPLAY[/b] For Every Action There Is An Equal And Opposite Reaction. This game is based on exploration, investigation, interaction, and mystery. In order to get the most out of the game, the character must be observant, goal-oriented, and willing to act in order to meet those goals. Everything -- [i]everything[/i] -- is a potential plot-changer, from a light in the distance to a passing comment by an NPC. It is up to the PC to pick up on important clues in the scene, to make their own conclusions, and to act upon those conclusions. How the PCs act and react determines the course of the story. Every post shall be a step forward; characters who [i]wait[/i] for something to happen to them will be standing in the same place for a very long while. [b]CHARACTERS[/b] All characters start out acquainted with Kettle and with at least one other character. Players are encouraged to be creative with this, and to make enemies as well as friends, idols, and rivals. Characters may come from any type of environment or society (tribe, village, prison, palace, city) which is up to you to describe. Non-human characters are welcome, as long as they are of a commonly recognizable race. No character shall have any magical abilities whatsoever. Please post characters directly to the Characters tab, but wait for mod approval before posting. [/indent] [h3]Resources and Helpful Things[/h3][hr] [indent][b][url=https://titanpad.com/TNf61ubauf]Post Collaboration and Chat[/url][/b] courtesy of [@AiyvaGuard][/indent] [/color]