[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/XPhfKYw.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/SGf2s4a.jpg[/img][/center] [color=#a7a7a7][h3]Character Creation[/h3][hr] During gameplay, characters will always surprise you: they'll make decisions you never expected, they'll whip out skills you didn't know they had, they'll get into all sorts of trouble you never anticipated during the CS phase. Therefore, players are encouraged to keep their sheets simple and open-ended.[/color] [indent][color=#D59772]NAME: ABSTRACT:[/color] [color=gray]Write one sentence to define your character.[/color] [color=#D59772]INTENT:[/color] [color=gray]Tell us your character's deepest desires.[/color] [color=#D59772]FIRST ADVENTURE:[/color] [color=gray]Describe the first time your character went out on an adventure of their own.[/color] [color=#D59772]HOW DO YOU KNOW KETTLE?[/color] [color=gray]Tell us how your character first met Kettle and how well they know her, for better or for worse.[/color] [color=#D59772]WHY DID KETTLE PICK YOU?[/color] [color=gray]Describe your character's strongest trait, which may or may not be a skill; remember there is no magic whatsoever, and there will be very little combat in this rp.[/color] [color=#D59772]HOW DO YOU KNOW [insert character name]?[/color] [color=gray]Pick another player's PC and describe how your characters are acquainted, for better or for worse; you may have as many of these as you like. @Mention the character's player in the OOC so they know who their character knows.[/color] [/indent]