[color=gray]Aja sat on one of the overstuffed sofas in the Tomb, legs curled up under her, and a book resting on her lap. The young witch picked at a chocolate bar sitting on her leg as she read (her mom would've had a fit if she knew Aja was eating candy so early in the morning). She usually didn't venture down here, enjoying the privacy of her room after spending the summer with her overflowing family, but it was early enough in the morning that only a few students had managed to pull themselves from their bed. Besides, she'd been in this old car since the first evening – Aja was beginning to go a little stir crazy and needed a change of scenery. Humming a quiet tune to herself, Aja turned the page in her book. It was an old favorite her brother had given her when she'd first gotten her acceptance letter to Salem's. A smile grew on her face as she read the familiar words. She knew the book by heart already, and had nearly brought a textbook with her instead. But if she'd done that then she would've wanted to practice her spells, and Aja hated practicing in front of other people. It took frustratingly long to get spells to cooperate with her, and she preferred to just let people see the finished product instead. Besides, sometimes her first attempts could be a little… explosive. And she really didn't trust the Peregrin's ventilation system. Aja perked up when she heard the tell-tale sounds of footsteps on the stairs. They'd made another stop, then. She idly wondered where they were, and remembered seeing a "Welcome to Florida" a few minutes ago when she'd looked out the enchanted window. The sounds continued overhead, dying down as various students found their rooms and settled in, no doubt looking to catch the sleep that'd been stolen from them from being awake so early for pickup. A single pair of footsteps continued down to the Tomb, and Aja looked up to see the newcomer. It was someone she vaguely recognized, but couldn't name. Aja knew she was in Good, and was older than her, but she couldn't remember if the girl was in the sixth or seventh year. She seemed pale, and on high alert, though there was no sign that something was actually [i]wrong[/i]. Aja turned back to her book and watched the girl out of the corner of her eye. She always seemed nice when Aja saw her in the hall, but nervous… The girl sat in the sofa a short distance away from Aja and seemed to be concentrating very hard on her sudoku book. Whatever the girl was thinking, it was her own business. But Aja decided that at least she could do some small thing. [color=palegreen]"Uhm… excuse me?"[/color] she said to the girl, wearing a sweet, slightly embarrassed smile. Aja held the almost-whole chocolate bar out to her. [color=palegreen]"I'm sorry, I don't mean to bother you, but, would you like this? My mom stuffed my bag full of them when I wasn't looking and I'm trying to get rid of them."[/color] The lie came easily as she smiled at the girl. [color=palegreen]"I mean, you don't have to, obviously. I'm sure I could find someone else if you don't want it."[/color][/color]