[img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/9291/f/2011/345/7/d/neato_nito_by_thermalfaerie-d4ivj72.jpg[/img] NAME: Clavic ABSTRACT: Eccentric and witty, a very intelligent creature with an almost overly creative mind despite its insecurities. INTENT: Clav wishes to understand all things to the most minute detail but he would give this up in a heartbeat for the chance to be "normal." FIRST ADVENTURE: The so boldly titled "First Adventure" of Clav's was one that the children of his species are all expected to take when they come of age. Spending their first few years of life within a shaggy amorphous blob of flesh created by their mothers, they are expected to go and find their first skeleton by their selves. By either force, or scavenging. Clavic's first skeleton, for the most part, was that of a normal-ish humanoid. His discovery made his elderly mother quite proud, giving her the strength she needed to pass away knowing that her child would be able to fend for himself. HOW DO YOU KNOW KETTLE? Kettle and Clav's meeting was rather fleeting, but memorable for the creature. It remembered meeting her while scavenging for bones and being quite surprised when they didn't find him gruesome to look at. He shared wits with Kettle, before the adventurer went on their way. WHY DID KETTLE PICK YOU? Aside from his thirst for knowledge, Clavic was chosen because he was essentially a naturally born diplomat. Peace comes to him naturally. His advanced intellect is also quite helpful, as it allows for odd opinions that are out of the norm but quite helpful. HOW DO YOU KNOW [b]A'shinok Duran[/b]? Clavic never really meets people as much as they tend to meet him while he's out on his explorations for knowledge. A'shinok attempted, rather hard as Clav notes, to start a conversation with him. But Clav wasn't really having it, which he feels might have left a bad impression on the man. [@Experiment 249] HOW DO YOU KNOW [b]Ignace Karkasy[/b]? Know? Not exactly. Clav has observed Ignace from afar once or twice, not knowing of his name or his legacy, but during his quest for knowledge he found out many things about him. He quickly became one of the very important inspirations for Clavic with his ability to immortalize almost anything. The ability to essentially create history. [@TheWildHost]