Home Planet: Chyyro (Key-Roh) Crew: Iro Race: The Eahrhe (ee-ah-re) have pitch black skin. Their eyes however, and all internal organs and blood, are a bright luminescent color. Hers are a light blue. Other than that they are basically humanoid, hair, skin, ears, nose. However Eahrhe hair is patterned spectacularly with streaks, patches, spots and etc. of luminescence. Hair color is passed down by mother, blood by father. The royal lineage is white blooded and the darker and dimmer your blood the less highly you are basically considered. Hair is more like a horoscope, different patterns are considered to imply different things about who the person will become or has been. Name: A'ehla (Ey-ee-la) [Does not offer surname.] Age: 110. A running joke among humans is that you basically subtract a hundred to get an Eahrhe's true age. While this is not technically accurate it reflect a certain naivety that man Eahrhe express as to space outside their homeworld. Eahrhe are not allowed to leave the home system until they reach 100 years old. Skills: Mechanics, Robots, Electronics, AI Maintenance, Builds her own weaponry mission to mission. Appearance: Her skin is pitch black like most Eahrhe, her hair is black as well and speckled with fine blue dots of luminescence. A'ehla's hair runs long past her shoulders and is black, straight and thick. Her eyes have no iris (not always the case with Eahrhe) and her delicate features are more human than some. History: A'ehla is clearly of fairly high birth in the Eahrhe controlled system, though she plays her hand fairly close to her chest on who or where she came from. She knows about every gizmo and gadget in all of explored space but chooses to keep the Iro afloat. She claims to love the ship more than its crew though usually while smiling or laughing.