[center][h1]Aliftaria[/h1] [img]http://resource.mmgn.com/Gallery/normal/Final-Fantasy-Crystal-Chronicles-My-Life-as-a-King.jpg[/img][/center] The city of Aliftaria, the greatest city in all the land. Its streets are always busy during the day, people going to and fro, every race mingling and trading with each other. It is in this city that the all wise king rules in great majesty and power. Also, in the center of this prosperous city lies the largest crystal anyone one could possibly believe even if they saw it. Dominating and demanding attention, it stands over 100 feet tall in the middle of the town square, guards posted around continually. The crystal is the life of the city, for if it were to fail, the city would be engulfed in miasma; thus Aliftaria would become as Tida. (A land covered in miasma and monsters, devoid of any civilization) It was here that the great council of the 4 came together and decide what to do when the miasma had first began to appear. Spear-headed by the leader of the Yukes, Amidatty, the 4 leaders of their respective race came together and devised a plan that would shape their world forever. The Yukes had discovered that the large crystals that towns had built themselves around (because they were valuable and shiny) were actually the only thing that could hold the miasma at bay. However, through terrible loss, people figured out that the crystal could not keep them safe forever. For its energy would only last a single year than die out.[color=ed1c24] In order to prevent this, special caravans are sent from every city on a quest to find Myrrh.[/color] (which is supposedly the source of the crystals power) Myrrh is a mysterious liquid that people don't understand; however, what they do know, is that without it, all the crystals would eventually die away. [color=ed1c24]Myrrh is collected from special Myrrh trees located all over the world, but because of their mysterious power, many monsters are attracted to it and the strongest of these monsters makes their home around these trees.[/color] Some rumors have said that the trees themselves can even make machines come to life. [h3]Aliftaria[/h3] Sillus woke up as the morning sun shined through his window. Basking him in its warmth, it actually wanted to make him go back to sleep. He was about to, that was until he heard the horns being blown from the palace. Sillus' eyes went wide as he remembered what today just was. Today was going to be the day where the king of Aliftaria would decide who would be chosen this year to go collect Myrrh for the crystal. Only the best, and smartest of warriors were chosen, and Sillus had been training all year for this day. Stumbling out of bed, he quickly got dressed, slung his bow over his shoulder and with a quiver and a knife in his hands, he bolted out of the house towards the front gate of the castle. The draw bridge was down and as he began to make his way across, two Lility guards stopped him, [color=ed1c24]"Halt! Who goes there?"[/color] Sillus held up his hand in all innocence and said, [color=6ecff6]"My name is Sillus and I am here for the caravan trials."[/color] The guard looked the sturdy Selkie up and down. They whispered to each other for a bit than said, [color=ed1c24]"I would say that you were to young to even try, but I am not allowed to restrict anyone from participating. Very well, go on ahead."[/color] The guards parted and allowed Sillus to pass through. Sillus crossed the threshold into the grand courtyard of Aliftaria's castle. He could see that all manner of stations and test were already set up, judges at each one rating anyone who tried their test. [color=fff200]In order to pass, the canidates had to pass at least 3 tests in order to be chosen as part of the caravan.[/color]Sillus looked around, not very many people were in the courtyard. It seemed that all the great warriors were either dead or too scared to join the caravan. Rumors from last year still hung in the air, saying that caravanners had lost their memory, some even becoming monsters. Sillus shook his head in disapointment, [color=6ecff6]"This is pathetic. If no one joined the caravan, than we would all die. Idiots."[/color] Continuing his scan of the courtyard, Sillus could see that there were 6 tests. [hider=The Tests] Close-Combat: Defeat a series of combat instructors. Win all 4 rounds Strategy: Win in a game of chess Archery: Get a score of 70 or higher Agility: Clear an obstacle course involving Strength: Lift more weight than the designated judge Magic: Successfully perform Tier 1-3 magic. [/hider]