Milly was rather eager to follow Johnathan down to his work desk, the thoughts of rigging Charlotte's room with flashbang traps pushed to the back of her mind. She was even more eager when Johnathan revealed his device. Something of an inventor herself(albeit with a much more narrow field and none of her inventions being intended to survive their usage), she was fascinated, and naturally the applications got her excited. So much brilliant fiery destruction in a massive circle all around the disk! Aaah, it was enough to make desire swell in her heart, desire to cause things to erupt into brilliant fireballs and leave destruction in their wake... But naturally, she had to give her advice. Of course, Milly had plenty of experience with creating explosives that were purpose-built. Most could blow out in any direction, but in other cases there needed to be some more finesse. Taking down a door, for example, required the explosive force to be directed to the door and no-where else. Well, unless Milly didn't care about damaging whatever was around the door. There'd been a few times where she stuck a sticky bomb to the handle and lit it without a second thought. Eyes shining with excitement, the tiny girl began. "That's amazing!" she cried, "A circular explosive delivery system... a complete three-hundred-sixty degree range... Haaah~ I can feel my heart beating faster and faster just thinking about using this thing!" Her cheeks flushed and her hands at her sides, Milly was practically shaking with just how eager she was to be able to test the device out. "... Of course, you couldn't use it at close range unless there was some way to only trigger the explosives facing away from you, which is defeating the main purpose of the disc shape in the first place... if you used shaped charges you could direct the blast outwards and the disc wouldn't be harmed, but that could be tricky... the payload you'd need is hard to judge without seeing how far it can shoot the explosives out... but this is still amazing!"