It had been a hot day and, though yard work had needed doing, enough was definitely enough. The chilly basement, well removed from the humidity outdoors, was calling June's name. She went to it gladly - making sure, of course, to pluck her freshly-charged 3DS from its cord on the way. Today she thought that perhaps she could make headway in Pokémon Y. Her game had been going slowly; in between real-life obligations and stopping to explore every nook and cranny in Kalos, she hadn't seen it through to the end yet. [i]Right, right,[/i] she thought as her save file loaded and her character stood in the midst of a cracked, dry desert. [i]I need to find a way to get into the power plant, don't I?[/i] June braved the winds and navigated the skate rails threading through the badlands. As she did, the area grew brighter. [i]Is that a sunlight effect?[/i] she wondered. [i]It's a little strong... I can hardly see any--[/i] "Human," a voice intoned from the speakers of the 3DS. "Whaaaat?" June muttered in mild surprise. "Voiceover. Where did that come from?" "Do not be frightened," the voice continued undeterred as the nearly white screen resolved itself into the face of an Arceus. "I come to you with a quest." "Arceus? Why would Poké-God be talking to my character all of a sudden?" "I am not speaking to a character; I am speaking to you. I require your aid - and the aid of others like you. Will you accept my--" June held the 3DS at arm's length, squinting at the screen. "This is weird. Is this-- you're not [i]really[/i] talking to me, are you? Why would anybody need help from someone like me?" "All will be explained. Please. Will you accept my quest?" The girl pursed her lips. She glanced around - nobody was home right now but her, and talking to a video game wasn't the weirdest thing she could do. She looked back to the screen, cleared her throat. "Sure. I'll help you." Even if it wasn't real. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? The screen faded to white again, only brighter than before - too bright for the backlight, too bright to see the room anymore - and though June closed her eyes against it she could still see the brightness. "Thank you," the voice said from somewhere. And June was gone.