[center][h1][color=yellow]Kayla Campbell[/color][/h1][/center] 10:25AM Kayla started to hold her stomach feeling another bout of morning sickness coming, she quickly ran over towards the bathroom and leaned herself over the toilet and started to puke into the bowl of the toilet. Breathing heavily Kayla reached over for some toilet paper to wipe her nose and mouth, letting out a sigh she reached up to grab her phone for a moment to see what time it was. Luckily she still kept Thomas' phone number and address in her phone. She had to tell him about it, Kayla got up and flushed the toilet the young woman went over to the coat rack near the front door of her apartment, putting on the black leather jacket that she recently bought along with her purse. Kayla quickly remembered and ran into her bedroom to grab her glasses. Kayla closed up her apartment and made sure that it was locked, she headed down the hallway she got to the elevator and pressed the button for the parking garage. The elevator descended until finally it was on the ground floor where the parking garage was, Kayla headed over towards the back where her [url=http://www.bigwormgraphix.net/images/mustang6/2015-gt-blk-red-supersnake-2-lrg.jpg]Black and red mustang was.[/url] A gift from one of her co-stars from the show had given her for her birthday a year ago and one of her prized possessions. Kayla drove down towards a Star Bucks that was just a few blocks away, about five minutes of going through traffic Kayla was finally there, parallel parked into a parking space. Getting out a few people instantly recognized her, and smiled at her which she would return the smile as well. Once she was inside Kayla entered the Star Bucks and approached the register.