[center][img]https://st1.skybet.com/static/content/casino/game_hlk50_Tile@2x_594x320.png[/img] [color=1a7b30][h1][b]The Hulk[/b][/h1][/color] [/center] [i]Just keep it together Bruce.[/i] He let out a sigh, before breathing in again slowly. Opening his eyes. Cap low over his forehead he walked off the bus into the city. He was here to try and make his way towards the Future Foundation. They'd help surely, they had to help. He couldn't do this himself, that much was obvious and the military was hunting him. No the best option was to go to Oscorp. Norman Osborne was supposedly one of the smartest guys on the planet and had the resources to back him, yes he himself was smart but his expertise were limited largely to that off radiation everything else was... well. Not really his field. This was at the point where he stopped really watching where he was going, jostled a bit to the left. To the right, someone was on front of him. Then he looked up and he was in an alley. Two people followed him in and he knew immediately this was bad. Breaking off at a run, keeping his breathing controlled. He stopped as he was facing a big guy, about six foot. Towering over him. One of them drew a knife. "Ooooh, somebody is wanting trouble." [color=007236]"No guys, I don't want any trouble. Why don't you just let me go and nobody will have to get hurt, all right?"[/color] He winced, he had said it. That was it, they'd see that as a challenge. "Oh, nobody will get hurt huh? Why don't we just waste this one? Thinks he's so big." He screamed, part in fear part in pain as he felt the blade pierce his back. His heart rate elevated, and he fell to the ground screaming. Convulsing the thugs just looked upon him perplexed. They didn't hit him that hard did they? It was only a little blade, not meant to go very deep. That's when he looked up at one of them, his eyes turning green and his skin began to shift. "He's one of those mutant freaks! Get him!" The kicking didn't help them, in fact it made things worse. All he could focus on, besides the pain was that he didn't want to kill these people. He couldn't lie, he didn't want to hurt them, but he didn't want them to be killed. Bones snapped and moved, grinding against one another. Muscle mass grew as if out of nowhere as the thugs began to step back. The Hulk stood, the knife falling broken out of his back. He just breathed heavily, one of the thugs moved first. Pulling out a gun and shot Hulk in the back. He just turned absorbing the shot. Throwing a dustbin in their direction knocking two of them into a nearby wall, when the other three began to run he jumped, pulling himself via the building (and removing a chunk of wall) to get on front of them. There he stomped, the ground cracking enough that they fell into it... ----- They never left Hulk alone, they always had to fight. Though he was stronger, strongest ever. Finishing with the thugs who hurt puny Banner he jumped, pulling himself up the building with his left arm tearing into the building as he did so. However he didn't care, he could already hear the police and fire engine sirens. More people were coming for him, and once they were done the army would come for him. They would never leave him alone, they always had to try to hurt him or capture him. Find a way to change him or use him. He jumped onto the roof and let out a shout (Though to anyone nearbies ears it would sound more like a shout). Then he saw it, the tower Banner wanted to go to. OsCorp. Banner wanted rid of him, though Hulk wanted rid of Banner but he realized he couldn't. The best he could do was stop Banner fromg etting rid of him, so he began jogging along the roof, jumping at the edge (only a small jump) onto the next roof, building up speed and jumping again. He was nearing the taller buildings, jumping up onto the roof however something hit him before exploding and sending him flying down the road. People tried to clear the street before he went careering into it, as he bounced he hit several cars before skidding to a top digging into the road. Standing up he looked down to see them. Army men, wearing the same patch as the ones who always chased him. Who worked for the nice ladies dad. They followed him, they hadn't stopped hunting him at all. They were still after him. He screamed (Roared) down the road at them, grabbing a nearby car (Recently vacated) and threw it down the road at the men, who dove out the way (Though one was hit by it). Turning he began running in the opposite direction. Why would they not leave him [b]ALONE[/b]? The Helicopters would be coming soon, the vehicles. The chase was never ending, he had to find a way to get away. Though where could he go? He didn't exactly blend into New York. What way was the water? He couldn't remember. Banner had come via... some other way. He didn't use the water, didn't trust Hulk on boats. Though water would save Hulk now, he could get away. Hide. Then when they were gone he could get further away, always further. Until he was alone. He let out a slight smirk, as he jumped up into the air. Yes, alone. Without even Puny Banner.