Eric sat up and pulled the soft covers off of him, seeing Rachel lying silently there in the bed gave him a feeling of comfort as he walked over to the bathroom. His hand reached for the light blindly and clicked it on before he walked over to the sink and started the warm tap. Looking into the glossy mirror of the white cabinet he saw that he was developing a nice little beard. Rachel hated that, so he opened the small door and reached in grabbing the razor and foam. Testing the water, it was just getting warmish, so he pressed down on the foam can and caught the white flush that rushed out in his other hand. He pressed it onto his chin and jaw, covering over his facial rough. As he blinked he could of swore he saw a large red gash in his forehead, but when he looked again confused, he had no such blight on his face. Pushing the confusion aside he poked the stream of water and felt it burn him, pulling back he nodded to himself and stuck the razor into the water. He shaved his left jaw carefully then right, chin then pulling his top lip between his teeth - he shaved that too. Dipping the foamy razor into the water, he washed it away and looked up to see his shaven face covered in cuts and drips of blood. Touching a cut on his chin, the foam on his hands and what was left on his face turned a dark crimson, quickly looking back into the mirror all he saw was the glossy reflection of himself, with clinically white foam on his hands and face. Touching his face once more he looked at his hand and didn't see any red. [i] Weird. [/i] "What the..." he said under his breath. Taking the small hand towel from the side of the sink he brushed away the foam from his face and splashed cool water over himself, to close his pores. Turning he took his pyjama top off him threw it over to the laundry bin and climbed out of his pants. Reaching down he took off his left sock, and then his right... His right sock snagged on something. Looking down there was nothing there, so he sat on the edge of the bath and took the sock in both hands, pulling it off. It caught on something again, but there was nothing there! Reaching down he felt around the sock and cut his finger on something sharp, pulling back his sucked on the wound, and closed his eyes in pain as his entire body seemed to throb with aches. When he looked back down at his foot a large sharp metal fragment was stuck through it, and the arm he was holding against his body was covered in scratches. His left shoulder ached as well, a large dark cut through it. "Rachel...!" he said, standing up. Eric slipped on the smooth bathroom floor, and struck his head hard on the bath tub. When he came to, he was upside down in a plane, Rachel was gone and his shoulder and foot were screaming out in pain. Blood dripped off his shaven face and onto the floor.