The blurring assault from Tsubo's classmate momentarily caught Duang off guard. Some of the lesser seasoned martial artists were in awe of the half-elf's speed. They began chatting amongst themselves, sizing up Lee and Seikatsu with strategies for the approaching tournament. Duang clenched his teeth and pridefully refused to show any sign of pain. He jumped back onto his feet. "How dare you, half-breed!" Duang spat on the floor, brandishing the broadsword fastened on his back. "I'll skin you alive!" The disciple of the Grieving Spider charged toward Seikatsu, whose attention was more focused on Lee. Tsubo's anger never settled since the throw, and his brother of the Shallow Step's intervention aggravated him even more. "Get your hand off me!" The dwarf swatted Seikatsu's hold from his shoulder. "You've got your own battles to deal with now." Tsubo said, hinting at Duang, who was within striking distance of Seikatsu. The dwarf lowered his center of gravity then immediately sprung for Lee's ankles like a wild cat. The sudden attack nearly matched Seikatsu's twitch speed. If he succeeded on getting close, Tsubo was ready to grapple Lee onto the floor and go for an ankle lock. This technique was not of Master Iyo's teaching. Wrestling is a standard for northern dwarves who grew up in the Grand Tortoise mines. Tsubo's pride was clearly at stake here. While a fight was starting to break out on the ship, the wall of fog surrounding the vessel grew more dense, blocking out the sun and everything else in sight. Navigation through such conditions was a testament to the skills of the Captain and his crew. It won't be long until they reach their destination... [hr] [b]“Lu Fau? What are you doing here? Is your quest of revenge finally at an end? Master will be so pleased to see you.”[/b] Lu Fau looked at the manbeast with a stern expression. He recognized Yin more clearly now, but the memories of his past prior to entering the Catacombs of Khijo were hazy. It was like recalling a vivid dream, and after years of living in solitude, it was refreshing to come across a familiar face from his old life. But the manbeast seemed more different now. He was no longer a cub. Not just in a physical sense, but with his fighting spirit as well. This was likely forged from the baptism of Master Gan Fang's rigorous teachings, a feat not easily obtained. "Forgive me...Yin, was it?" He seemed momentarily lost in thought before returning his attention. Lu Fau refrained from answering Yin's question about his quest and focused on a more lighter topic. "Much time has passed. How is the old war dog? Still bruising his disciples with that wooden practice sword of his?"