While the Dwarf was talking to Dirion he was finally able to look around him to see Busker. The man was lying in a pool of blood, but Dirion couldn't see any wound. He didn't know where the little man got his hands on a potion, but wherever he got it from it seemed to be doing some good. The Dwarf told Dirion to guard Busker and Wink. To be honest Dirion was already planning on doing so, but it put him on ease to know the man didn't wish either of them harm. The Dwarf huddled past Dirion and ran out back into the fray. And though even though Dirion was not much of a religious man he gave a small prayer for him. Would be horrible to think of someone missing him out of the corner of their eye and lopping off his head. Dirion danced around the puddle of blood and crouched behind the bar next to Wink. He gave a good scan, well as good a scan you can give intoxicated, over Busker. He still couldn't find any sort of wounds and the the old dog was starting to look better every second. Dirion turned his gaze to Wink. Now, normally Dirion could claim being quite skilled at reading people when he had his wits about him. And from time to time he would claim that he could talk down a charging bull. Sadly, he did not have his wits about him. All Dirion could really tell was that Wink was, well quite obviously, upset. Wanting to try and ease her mind Dirion started turning the gears in his mind for something to say. The only thing he managed to come up with was, 'And here I though I wouldn't have to pay my tab.' Normally a joke would lighten people's hearts. But this joke would just get Dirion mauled by young Wink he guessed. Giving up on saying anything very meaningful Dirion just said, [color=teal]"Are you okay?"[/color] And for the first time he realized just how loud it was in the Dog. He could barely hear his own voice leave his throat. And he had little hope that Wink could hear him either. Everyone was yelling and there was an unearthly rumbling shaking throughout the entire tavern. Dirion this time yelled, [color=teal]"Are you okay?!"[/color] At Wink. Though it was still hard to hear he was confident she would hear him this time. As he was waiting for her to respond a tankard fell off the bar. Dirion looked up to see many of the mugs, cups, and other forms of liquid holders shaking on the edge of the bar. A hair's length from falling off and crashing into the defenseless body of Dirion and Wink. He paused for a moment thinking of what to do, but that second was long enough for the glasses to come falling down. He shifted over Wink to try and cover her and felt himself get beaten by weighty tankards. In front of him, towards to back of the bar now. Dirion could both see and hear Busker's few more expensive bottles of spirits crashing to the ground. Broken shards littered the floor all around Busker. As far as Dirion could tell none of it had hit him. He hoped he was right. While the avalanche of cups began to cease and the bottles of alcohol continued to fall Dirion had only two thoughts in his mind. One? He was going to be feeling those tankards in the morning. And two? There was probably some ironic message to Dirion about the evil of drinking, what with him being assaulted by ale and ale equipment. The gods certainly had an odd sense of humor. [@Mokley]