[h3][center][color=lightcyan]Basics[/color][/center][/h3] [center][img]http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/36922031/images/1419306916247.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b]Roland Chambers [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Appeared Age:[/b]34-67 (dependent on how obscured face is) [b]Height:[/b]6'3'' [b]Weight:[/b]200 lbs [b]Eye Color:[/b] When Roland mutated his irises turn an amber yellow color, while his pupils became more oblong, dilating to light in a manner similar to a cat or a snake. [hider=example] [img]http://i.imgur.com/SdZvJiu.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Grey/ Salt-n-pepper [b]Physical Disabilities:[/b] While usually not a hindrance the place that Roland was stabbed during his crucifixion will be a source of pain strong enough to be distracting if he extensively uses his powers or takes blood thinners. It also tends to agitate him when there's going to be a storm. [b]Physical Identifiers:[/b][list] [*] Scar over left eye, scars from puncture wounds on the lower abdomen, wrists and ankles [*] Brand over right pectoral muscle of a broken circle; looks similar to the Quake logo. [*]grey hair [*]Longinus [/list] [b]Appearance:[/b]Once one looks closer at the scruffy grey haired man and realize he isn't geriatric they might think he's ruggedly handsome with his square jaw, trimmed beard and action hero like scar. If for whatever reason they saw him undressed they'd probably be shocked by the myriad scars across his torso and legs that were earned through years of torture and combat, including the brand that nearly cover his right pectoral muscle. [hider=clothing] [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/206/6/c/punished_snake_ref1_by_artsteadyuser-d6f62u3.jpg[/img] [img]http://spec.tgbus.com/culture/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2015/04/FIGURE-008034_04.jpg[/img] [/hider] Roland's usual wear is camouflage fatigues similar to ones he wore while a scout for The Soulless. Usually keeping the sleeves rolled up for air circulation and unhindered mobility, Roland also possesses a webweave harness he uses to carry his essentials and weapons if he somehow lost his backpack. He also possesses a scarf he uses not just to block sand and to work as a light poncho, but to conceal his Longinus when he goes into town. Like many other people across Dust Roland wears fingerless gloves so that he may fire his gun without being slowed down. [h3][center][color=lightcyan]Background[/color][/center][/h3] [b]Residence:[/b]Wanderer [b]Profession:[/b] Bounty Hunter/Mercenary [b]Aligned Faction:[/b] Neutral. While Roland doesn't bear a grudge against anyone, The Forsaken see him as a traitor while other factions see him as a member of The Forsaken. This usually leads to him being hated by just about everyone. [b]Relatives:[/b] None [hider=Backstory] Roland the slave, Roland the dog, Roland the conscript, Roland the warrior, Roland the Immortal, Roland the Optio, Roland the Soulless, Roland the Broken. These are but a few of the titles Roland has amassed in his lifetime. When Roland was five years old when The Forsaken raided his small village and took him as a spoil of war where he was first used as both a prostitute and as a 'squire' for those in gladiatorial games, cleaning up the messes left behind after the bouts and helping the competitors to gather their equipment as well as 'ease their nerves.' During one such incidence in which one of his masters forced himself upon Roland they became violent sooner than usual and in the moment, Roland bit their manhood off, proceeded to claw out their eyes, and tear into their jugular leaving the man dead mere minutes before his battle. Seeing promise in the boy Roland soon found himself in The Forsaken's hodge-podge army where he learned how to fight and live off the land. Roland was a clever child and soon rose up the ranks over the years through tactics that were considered suicidal even by The Forsaken's standards and was no longer a conscript and rose to the rank of officer and as such, earned the right to literacy. Roland was an exemplar of The Forsaken's culture who had earned the right to be a gladiator at Forbes' grand stadium, though not under the circumstances he imagined. His first match? The legitimate child of the first man he had murdered. Ever since Roland's first kill it had become easier and easier for him to dehumanize those he was slaying, those he'd aid in capturing to work the mines. The realization that there had been other people who cared for those he killed had left him feeling sick for days leading up to the match until it finally came. After a long and drawn out battle, Roland had finally defeated his opponent, without having to slay him. However when his back was turned the opponent then revealed he had strapped dynamite to himself blowing himself up only a few short meters away from Roland. It was at this point Roland's abilities revealed themselves allowing himself to form a shield that took the brunt of the impact, the rest of it sending him across the field from the battered but alive, revealing that the nausea and cold sweat he had before the fight wasn't just the jitters, but symptoms of his transformation. Now known as an Immortal Roland was seen as too essential to be used as entertainment and was place back into the military to hone his ability while securing the king's interests. Drunk on power and fame Roland found it easier than ever to suppress his conscious and with his new abilities, Roland made a meteoric rise through the Legion and social echelons. Eventually he was chosen to be a member of The Soulless, the best of the best where he received new training in not just the Longinus, but espionage and special tactics. He was to be The king's hand, imparting his will above Roland's own, by any means necessary if need be. During one of their intensive training regiments they were to be buried alive and have to dig their ways out or die trying. While Roland made it out easily thanks to his abilities and soon enough others did too. Surprisingly enough a majority of unit were also able to break free of their coffins and make their way out of the sand. Or so it had first seemed. When the others of his unit congratulated each other and went to go feed and fuck in celebration Roland had stayed behind to admire his handiwork and have a smoke when he heard muffled screaming which he had realized was the smallest and weakest of his unit, Eobard. While he wasn't the strongest or the fastest or even the bravest, Eobard had joined the ranks of The Soulless by having a natural inclination towards medicine and with formal training could be a doctor. Despite his role as their unit's medic Roland was just as ready as the rest of his unit to leave him behind after all, he was unable to get out of his grave, he'd just wind up in one somewhere else right? Even still Roland was hesitant to walk away and that's when he heard it again. The voice that he had first heard in the hallway before his first gladiatorial bout. The voice that had pleaded with him every time he got into a fight, saw a hungry child, a three legged puppy and a sad whore. Uriel the Merciful. A schizophrenic manifestation of what was left of his conscience, Roland had spent the years since he had first gained his powers using every vice and drug under the sun to try and suppress their voice but when they did it didn't seem to be because of anything Roland would do. [i]Please,[/i] Uriel pleaded, [i]Save this one. Even if you won't do it because it's right you know he's valuable! You know what he can do![/i] After much dragging of his feet and listening to Eobard's sobbing Roland finally conceded on the agreement that if Uriel would be quiet until Roland called for them Roland would save the wimp. In a few seconds Roland had dispersed the sand entombing Eobard and even tore open his coffin. While Eobard had first cowered thinking that Roland was going to kill the manchild himself he had instead grabbed him and pulled him out, telling him to hurry up when the blond haired, sun-burned scarecrow of a man asked him why he saved him, Roland simply said, "Well I reckon that it'd be a mighty big shame if someone as smart as you died in such a stupid way." When Eobard reminded him that the others would kill them in an even more horrible way Roland devised the brilliant of deciding not to tell them anything. Through out the rest of training Roland would help Eobard with the more physical aspects of their training while Eobard the more intellectual. Over time Roland learned that their medic had a similar story to his. Eobard had been taken as a slave when his family was on his way to Forbes from Fairbury to pick up cadmium when raiders struck. 10 years old at the time Eobard was just starting his apprenticeship with his father when he was captured and put through many of the same trials and tribulations that Roland himself was, his only saving grace was his rudimentary medical knowledge proved he was too useful to put on the front lines when he was conscripted where eventually he ended up where he was. By the time their training was done the two were genuine friends who would not see each other for some time as Eobard was to be part of the medical corps while Roland would become a scout serving The Forsaken as a scalpel rather than cleaver. After countless missions serving the king's will, the elite soldier was ordered to be part of a century of Soulless Ones to attempt reconnaissance north of Quinton, past the endless white obelisks that warn all those who might pass that they were entering into foreign territory. Edenite territory. They were only three miles into the land when they struck- still able to see the border between the two lands. Their enemies were unseen and they were slaughtered by the dozens. It was then that Roland transformed into his Awoken form and after that, he remembered nothing else, aside from waking up far from the site of the slaughter in the remains of what looked to be a black, broken chrysalis. After finally getting his bearing and realizing he was near the outskirts of Quinton, Roland resupplied what he could in Quinton he returned to the border to see his entire century wiped out. Taking this news straight to Ironhold he was immediately called a liar, a coward and a traitor. His punishment to be death by crucifixion. Stripped naked and nailed to a cross, Roland was pierced with his own Longinus and was to have a slow and agonizing death. It was during this time where what little strength Roland had was spent using his powers to keep his guts from spilling out and finally ready to die when the guard who was assigned to watch over him in case he escaped suddenly had his brains blown across the sun scorched land. It was him. Eobard. It had seemed while Roland had spent most of his time in foreign territory fighting for king and country Eobard had slowly been rising through the ranks until he became one of the King's physicians. Using his own Longinus to remove the spikes Eobard sneaked him into the medical wing of the King's fortress for aid. Unable save Roland by himself Eobard was able to convince them that having an Immortal owe you a life debt was sure to pay off and so surgery commenced. After weeks of treatment where he was confined to a bed (that was often hurriedly sneaked somewhere else) where the only other 'person' he had to talk to was Uriel. It was during this time that Roland was taught about a different form of honor, of helping those weaker than yourself, not just so that you may exploit them, but so that their life is easier. When Roland finally recovered his strength, he decided that for him to understand this strange being's way of thinking (and finally shutting them up) he must go out and experience it for himself before truly deciding what is the true way of honor. Drawing the blade, or never unsheathing it. [/hider] [h3][center][color=gold]Gear[/color][/center][/h3] [b]Weapons:[/b][list] [*][b]The Calvary[/b]: A Colt Python .357 magnum caliber revolver, Roland rarely uses this but keeps it around with good reason. This behemoth is easy to load and enough stopping power to slow a weaker hollow long enough to change the course of a battle. It is kept strapped to his right thigh. [*][b]Plumbata[/b]: Three weighted darts about the length of Roland's forearm, they are strapped onto his vamprace, ready for him to launch at a moment's notice [*][b]Bowie Knife[/b]:Just a simple bowie knife usually used for non-combat purposes but still ready if need be. [*] [b]Longinus[/b]: named after the Roman soldier who pierced the side of Christ with his spear, the Longinus is the trademark weapon of The Soulless. Originally artifacts from the old world their original purpose wasn't as weapons, but were in fact were used for construction of deep sea labs and deep mines, made up of highly dense graphene and nanotubes, that are telescopic in nature. However the Forsaken weren't interested in space-age ways of keeping mines from collapsing but kick-ass spears that were nigh-indestructible and could shift the placements of blades at a moments notice through the usage of three dials that are on the handle. Such an elegant weapon for a more civilized age is hard to come by and even harder to master, and because of this are reserved for the elite of the elite among The Forsaken and as such has become not only an exotic weapon but a badge of office...And a harbinger of death. In practical terms, the Longinus is a double ended spear that can extend to a maximum of fourteen feet that has blades not only on both ends, but blades that can emerge at each joint/lock of a segment allowing for an unpredictable and deadly weapon. For a rough idea of what one may look at, compare the combi-stick from the movie franchise, Predator. [hider=Example] [img]http://www.yourprops.com/movieprops/default/yp_50ccd2eb41a104.36363450/Aliens-vs-Predator-Requiem-Predator-Spear-1.jpg[/img] [img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_small/1/15659/3933357-combi-staff-model-extended.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/list] [b]Armor:[/b] Roland possesses the bare minimum of armor preferring to be fast enough to get behind cover before the enemy has their sights on him. The only armor that Roland wears is a vamprace on his left arm and a knee pad on his right leg. [b]Ammunition:[/b][list] [*][b]Dirty Rounds:[/b] .357 rounds x24 [*][b]High Grade Rounds:[/b] [*][b]Heavy Ammunition:[/b]Dynamite x1 [/list] [b]Backpack :[/b][list] [*]One week of trail rations [*]rope [*]medkit [*]sleeping roll [*]duct tape [*]Grappling hook [*]Pot [*]Tarp [*]cigarettes [*]blood thinners [*]Bike clips [*]dynamite[/list] [b]Webweave Belt:[/b]Cantina, Lighter, Monocular, flashlight, Longinus (left front side), Bowie knife (back of the waist, horizontally) [h3][center][color=navajowhite]Immortalis Information[/color][/center][/h3] [b]Manifested Phenomena:[/b] [color=0054a6][color=00aeef]Telekinesis[/color][/color] [b]Unique Abilities:[/b][list] [*][color=f7941d]Swift as a Coursing River/With All The Force of a Great Typhoon[/color]- Roland is able to use his telekinesis to drastically increase his strength and agility, being able to smash through a support column and leap onto a small building in a single bound, or run twice his normal sprinting speed. [*][color=f7941d]Gremlin[/color]- By touching an object, Roland can interact with the smaller parts of it, be it causing a gun to jam, unlocking a door, or activating switches that he can't directly touch. [*][color=f7941d]Telephone[/color]- Roland is able to 'tune' items indirectly so long as he is touching something that is touching it. With each subsequent item, different material, and distance what he can do weakens. [/list] [b]Strengths:[/b] [list] [*][color=00aeef]Mysterious as the Dark Side of the Moon[/color]- Roland's training as a scout for The Soulless allows him to sneak into just about anywhere, and track people and animals with ease. [*][color=00aeef]Elegant Savage[/color]- Roland is a master of melee able to engage a roomful of armed people with nothing but a chair leg and walk out with hardly a sweat. [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [list] [*] [color=9e0b0f]Muh Honor[/color]- While he isn't always challenging people these days, when Roland is directly challenged by another person he will refuse to back down no matter how bad the odds are. At other times Roland will refrain from using his powers to keep things 'fair' in the process recklessly himself, and potentially others, rather than just using his powers to end the battle quickly and decisively. [*] [color=9e0b0f]Infamous[/color]- People who recognize his Longinus will recognize him as a member of The Soulless of The Forsaken and treat him accordingly, while The Forsaken themselves will treat him as a traitor guilty of the highest treason. [*] [color=9e0b0f]Hands on Approach[/color]- While Roland's abilities are strong he struggles to move anything that he isn't touching be it directly or indirectly. The strongest/fastest use of his ranged-ability when not channeling through a conduit is the retrieval of small items that he has usually already launched such as his darts or his Longinus. [*] [color=9e0b0f]Sentimental Type[/color]- Despite it being perhaps the toughest thing to survive the apocalypse, Roland will go charging into a burning building if it means his Longinus is still inside and will usually put other things on hold while he searches for his beloved weapon. [/list]