Ryuusuke looked on idly as Keigo moved over to another group, before one of the members of the group... Chiasa was her name, if he remembered correctly (not that he really put efforting into remembering, but it so happened to work out like that, generally). ...before Chiasa pulled in a girl that Ryuusuke hadn't seen in first year. As Ryuusuke expected of any group containing Keigo, Talkmaster, they were loud and energetic and too grating for Ryuusuke to handle, even considering that he was nowhere near them. Ryuusuke sighed. He would consider this as a good opportunity to analyze the girl's personality, if it weren't for the fact that he could barely sense her presence over the white noise that was the Chatterbugs. And then, to make things more complicated, another unknown made themselves known. Annie was a girl who had transferred in near the end of last year, but she was still relatively new to him. But she'd asked him a question. "It's all total nonsense," Ryuusuke said, waving his hand in the air lazily, "though I imagine it won't stop some people from checking out the building anyway. That's not my problem, though." Oh my god, they were still going. Ryuusuke stood, and was about to head out of the room, when someone came in the room. Wasn't a teacher. Looked older than him. Saw him maybe once or twice around the last year, but never too frequently. Upperclassman. So, it looked to be that Keigo was attracting people from other years as well. "Don't you guys have anything better to do with your time?" Ryuusuke called to Keigo's group.