Alexis could see the agents following her suggestions, arraying themselves by the window to give cover to the retreating pair inside. She still had no clear line of sight to Flash Bang and she didn't want to give away her position for little gain; if she could take him out in her first couple of shots then there'd be less collateral damage. [color=fff79a][b]"That's good. Keep him in your sight but maintain a safe distance. It doesn't look like a few bullets are going to stop him."[/b][/color] She said, encouraging the agents. Now she could make out Agent Nova and the 'Hero' as they pulled out. 'Robin Hood' looked injured but not too badly while Nova seemed to be in good condition still. [color=fff79a][b]"Let those smoke grenades go now."[/b][/color] She commanded, watching as her order was carried out. Soon there was a gap between the agents, Nova and her charge and Flash Bang inside the building. [color=fff79a][b]"Alright, pull back away from the smokescreen now."[/b][/color] There was little wind that low to the ground so the smoke screen endured well enough. Her keen eyes spotted movement inside it, a swirling of the murkiness, and she trained the binoculars to see the same high-heat blob that was Flash Bang. Returning to her rifle she aimed and fired two shots. In the time since the Hood's attack she had switched her ammunition to AP rounds, seeing as the explosive shots he had fired had proved ineffective. If a broad-based attack did little damage, she hoped a focused one might. There was movement within the screen and she swung her rifle, firing again before waiting to see the results. [color=fff79a][b]"Anyone have eyes on the target?"[/b][/color]