James rose an eyebrow as the store was suddenly filled, cursing under his breath. "Fuck off, Miller." He smirked as the other man called attention to his impromptu 'break. Thankfully, his boss didn't appear to care, since he had sent some more waiters to take up the slack. Good...his time was almost done, and they could head out and go do something. It was still snowing pretty hard out, but James was pretty adamant on buying that new PS4 and Dying Light game that had came out a few months ago. It looked pretty fun, and since it was vacation, it was a nice time to try the game out. He straightened in his seat, about to tell Miller 'the plan', when a woman came over and wished them both good morning. James glanced her way, scratching the trimmed 5 o clock shadow along his jaw. [b]"Morning."[/b] He nodded, offering the girl his patented half-smirk. He offered her a hand to shake. [b]"Name's James, and this lazy sack is Miller."[/b]