The Grand Lunar Lodge was, for all intents and purposes, largely impractical. The most important building in Moonclan culture, made of smooth, dark stone and residing at the top point of the crescent-moon shaped island, was decidedly 'out of reach' to the small but efficient community of sorceresses. Selene Miakoda was one such mage; the youngest of the Moonclan, she had grown decidedly distant from the rest of the women on the island, and as she floated up the great peak upon which the lodge was situated, she cursed quietly to herself at her predicament. She had been experimenting with magic for some time. Selene had a different mindset to the rest of the tribe; no, that was giving herself too much credit. She was certain there had to be others who thought like her among them, but... None dare act upon their beliefs. To Selene, the mysterious magical powers that were inherited by all who lived on the island were no less than a gift from Hecate herself. To waste such power on trivialities such as chores was just laziness. The Moonclan were destined for greatness and empowered by the goddess of the moon and magic, and yet they did nothing; claiming it was "against their way" to use magic to enforce power over others. That, they say, is why the Moonclan kept so isolated from the rest of the world. It was to avoid the temptation to use their magic to prosper. Selene pushed some of her silver locks up beneath her huge hat, which she pulled down further over her face as she approached the large doors of the lodge, emblazoned with the tribe's crescent moon symbol within a large, circular metal frame. Along the frame were various runic symbols, and diagrams depicting the phases of the lunar cycle. Selene paid them little mind as she held out a hand and placed her palm against the icon, illuminating the inscriptions with brilliant lavender light. The doors opened. Inside, a large group of Moonclan seemed to be waiting for her, their stern gazes locked upon the young witch as she entered. By this point, Selene cared little for what they thought. Ever since she was caught dabbling in things she shouldn't, it had become apparent that her days in the clan were numbered. Which honestly, she found to be quite amusing, considering that excommunication from the tribe was practically unheard of. "You're late," hissed Meteora, the Grand High Elder. She ran things around here and was at least a century old, but her Moonclan blood made her seem not a day over fifty. "Take a seat, Selene." The seat was, of course, metaphorical, and Selene joined the other witches in crossing her legs and hovering a few feet above the ground. She looked completely disinterested as Rimae, a lesser of the Elders addressed her. "Have you any idea why we have summoned you, young Moonchild?" she jabbed pedantically. Selene sighed. "Because you're scared of me." she spat back in response. The room fell deathly silent, and all eyes turned back to Meteora, who did a poor job of masking her shock and surprise. It was unheard of for anyone to speak for vehemently before the Grand High Elder. "Scared, child?" he asked, with faux pleasantry. "What on earth do you mean?" Selene smirked. "You've watched me open my mind to ideas beyond your understanding," he explained matter-of-factly. "And you've seen me grow in power as a result. You don't know what I'm capable of," she said, pausing to smile for effect. "And that terrifies you." Some of the Moonclan gasped quietly, others maintained their silence as they waited for Meteora to respond. After what seemed like an age, the Grand High Elder addressed the young sorceress once again. "You are correct," he said softly. "Through sin and sacrilege, you have indeed grown in power. And you have disgraced Hecate and her children - us, your family - in the process." Meteora spoke, eyes locked on Selene. "Ordinarily, you would be sent into exile without forgiveness or pity. However..." she trailed off briefly, before reluctantly continuing her sentence, "...It seems that Hecate has other plans for you. The world is in danger, and each of the world's people are required to put forth their strongest. You alone are fit for combat, in comparison to the rest of us. We are a peaceful people, after all." Selene's eyes widened. What danger could the world be in? "Does this mean I get to leave?" she asked, excitedly. Meteora nodded. "It is a blessing for you and for us. You will head South for The Capital. A realm meeting is being held at the Great Forum, and unfortunately you will be representing the Moonclan." she paused. "We will prepare your teleportation spell imminently. Go and collect any belongings you wish to take." Meteora paused one final time. "The sooner you are off this island, the better."