[b]Name:[/b] Sin [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Magic:[/b] Sin Magic - A necklace of symbols are on his neck, they activate only when they show great Sin. However, the more uses corrupts the soul of Sin if not treated with a Virtue. [hider=Seven Deadly Sins] [url=http://imgur.com/57FhdMA][img]http://i.imgur.com/57FhdMA.jpg[/img][/url] Wrath - Sin is enveloped in a red aura and becomes super humanly strong and really pissed off and is able to take a lot of punishment from his enemies and even the moves that will hurt himself. At the moment, Sin has only figured out how to use one symbol, so the others will be explained once he activates them. [/hider] [b]Magic Level:[/b] C [b]History:[/b] He doesn't remember the past very well, he woke up one day without any memories of his past and could barley recollect anything from his mind. All the boy knew was that he was young, homeless, penniless, but he was not alone. He had a sister, and she was just as clueless as him, but they both just knew that they were kin, which was rather strange for both. It only took moments to feel something in their raggedy pockets, and it was a bunch of small rocks in a necklace that had strange etching on each rock, and on the back was labeled either Sin or Virtue. Both were utterly confused on the meaning of these strange symbols, but they kept them as they felt some sort of connection to these things. Fast forward several years into the future, they were around the age of seventeen when they figured out that they were actually wizards after an incident. When he was growing up, he was a rather bad kid managing to make money in the seedy part of town with unsavory work choices, but it was all to help him and his sister live a good enough life, obviously he never told her the things he had done as it would make things complicated as she was a lot more virtuous than himself. It was only until one day that he had stolen from the wrong man, as he was being greedy and bit off more than he could chew. Several days after the big heist, he found his home ransacked, everything was destroyed and ruined, but it didn't matter to him. There was only one thing that truly made him panic. He quickly entered his sister's room to find it equally in ruin compared to the entire house, except there was a note on the top of the rubble. He quickly snatched it and read the contents, it basically said that they have Virtue and they will do nasty stuff if he doesn't bring back the things he stole. His heart froze at that moment, and he ran as fast as he could to the address with utmost haste. When he burst through the door, he entered the room to find Virtue and she was beaten up bad, blood dripping from her face and several bruises scattered around her arms and legs. When she looked up, she smiled to see her brother here to save her, but yelled to tell him it was a trap. He soon found himself on the floor from something hitting him in the back of his head with two large men laughing at the boy, commenting on the puny size of him. So, with the combination of his brutally beaten up sister, feeling stupid for not realizing this was a trap, and the taunting criminals. He finally activated one of the seven symbols on his necklace on accident, it suddenly glowed bright red and suddenly the room blasted in the color red blinding everyone. He soon found himself glowing in a red aura with two dead criminals at his feet and soon his body was being filled with a large amount of wrath. The resulting amount of rage made him scream in a fit of anger and then everything flashed once again, but this time it was the color pink. He soon found himself in the arms of his sister, and the rage exhumed out of his body and realized that his red aura was gone and Virtue was passed out. Sin quickly grabbed her and ran for both of their lives, hoping to never met the criminals and whatever happened to the two. [b]Personality:[/b] Cocky and Arrogant [b]Team Members:[/b] Virtue [b]Three Strengths:[/b] 1. Physically Strong 2. Street Smarts 3. Love for Sister [b]Three Weaknesses:[/b] 1. Greedy 2. Easily angered 3. Arrogant [b]Greatest Love:[/b] His Sister [b]Motivation:[/b] Keeping Virtue safe from the outside sources [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Sin] [url=http://imgur.com/82cTAPe][img]http://i.imgur.com/82cTAPem.jpg[/img][/url] [/hider] [s]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/s] [b]Name:[/b] Virtue [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Magic:[/b] Virtue Magic - A necklace of symbols are on her neck, they activate only when they show great Virtue. However, they may only be used once a large amount of Sin is apparent. [hider=Seven Heavenly Virtues] [url=http://imgur.com/bKAQpdk][img]http://i.imgur.com/bKAQpdk.jpg[/img][/url] Patience - Virtue is enveloped in an aura of pink and becomes very resilient to any kind of punishment and she is also able to calm most people down by physical contact. At the moment, Virtue has only figured out how to use one symbol, so the others will be explained once she activates them. [/hider] [b]Magic Level:[/b] C [b]History:[/b] She doesn't remember the past very well, she woke up one day without any memories of her past and could barley recollect anything from her mind. All the girl knew was that she was young, homeless, penniless, but she was not alone. She had a brother, and he was just as clueless as her, but they both just knew that they were kin, which was rather strange for both. It only took moments to feel something in their raggedy pockets, and it was a bunch of small rocks in a necklace that had strange etching on each rock, and on the back was either labeled Sin or Virtue. Both were utterly confused on the meaning of these strange symbols, but they kept them as they felt some sort of connection to these things. Fast forward several years into the future, they were around the age of seventeen when they figured out that they were actually wizards after an incident. When she was growing up, she was a well managed kid managing to make money in the nice places of the town, but she was suspicious of her brother as he always managed to get a lot of money, but never told her where he obtained it. However, she couldn't investigate further than just scolding her brother as she had several jobs to keep the two in good condition. It had been several days since Sin had brought the gigantic amount of money, which completely puzzled the young girl as even she could not make that much money in an entire week! However, when she on her day off, she suddenly heard something burst into her house and when she went to investigate, Virtue was suddenly knocked out. She had spent a good hour getting the crap beaten out of her, but she remained silent at the two yelling strangers. She held no contempt for these strangers and she was willing to talk things out if they gave her the chance, but it was very much not going to happen. However, she heard a loud noise, and she smiled to see her brother here to save her, but yelled to tell him it was a trap. She saw her brother get knocked into the ground, with the two criminals pinning her brother down, and she was screaming at the two to stop. The two didn't listen to her, but a flash of red light soon blinded her to find that her brother glowing in a red aura with two dead criminals at his feet. After screaming in a fit of rage her necklace burst in a flash of pink and saw that without any effort, she managed to break easily out of her bindings and hugged Sin tightly. She noticed that the red aura surrounding him disappeared and she smiled before passing out. [b]Personality:[/b] Friendly and Supportive [b]Team Members:[/b] Sin [b]Three Strengths:[/b] 1. Mentally Strong 2. Virtuous 3. Love for Brother [b]Three Weaknesses:[/b] 1. Always forgives 2. Physically Weak 3. Too kind [b]Greatest Love:[/b] Her Brother [b]Motivation:[/b] Keeping Sin safe from himself [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Virtue] [url=http://imgur.com/BERVH8V][img]http://i.imgur.com/BERVH8Vl.jpg[/img][/url] [/hider]