She wasn't half afraid as she should've been. But she sure as hell didn't want to be there. [color=magenta]"We don't even know what they are"[/color] she said bluntly [color=magenta]"... to think that we're being hunted is a bit of a stretch, don't you think? I agree we should walk briskly, but lets not jump to conclusions until we have any proof. We don't know a single thing about where we are or what we're doing here, and talking like that is just going to spread fear and anxiety. Whatever sucked down your tie, could've sucked you down as well, but it didn't. Just as Julius said, we can't take anything for what it seems. We need to keep a calm head about us if we're going to survive"[/color] She looked down at her long baggy shirt, which has dried fully by now and sighed heavily. [color=magenta]"And you were one of my favorite shirts"[/color] she said with a hint of regret as she tore enough cloth from it to make a bandanna of sorts. [color=magenta]"Axl Rose was an asshole anyway"[/color] she muttered softly as she wrapped the cloth about her head, somehow completing her look. She glanced around at the creatures sticking out from the ground, but her gaze never fixed on one for too long. Something under her breath about New Yorkers and keeping their head down, no eye contact and you're in the clear! [color=magenta]"The mountains don't look too far away, if we keep at a brisk pace, we should reach them by sundown. Just be sure not to pay them much attention, and hopefully we'll be fine. We should also keep an eye out for something to eat once we're in the clear. For I certainly am not going to survive if I can't get any dinner tonight."[/color] As the thought of food crept into her mind, her stomach grumbled softly.