[color=Aquamarine][b]Nisa[/b][/color] Night had fallen by the time Nisa arrived back in town, and she wasted no time in getting to her favorite hole-in-the-wall, the bar where she did most of her socializing. As she walked in the door she recognized some of the usual crowd, along with a few others who came in from time to time. She knew almost everyone there, and anyone she didn't know she would learn of soon enough. She walked up to the bar and sat in her normal spot in the corner of the room, where she could see everything in the bar. Removing her mask she revealed her face to the bartender, but kept her hood up so that she was still covered in shadow. The bartender smiled at her and handed her a drink. "Welcome back. Haven't seen you here in a while." He said to her before moving on to speak with some of the other customers. He glanced at her from time to time, sometimes with a worried look on his face. She wasn't going to speak tonight, there were too many [i]others[/i] to hear that she would prefer to stay silent unless she was needed. The night was passing slowly, enough that Nisa was thinking about breaking her 'One drink in an hour' rule, until another woman in her organization walked in. They didn't know each other's names, but the large katana she carried was as easily recognizable as her face. The woman walked up to the bar and sat beside one of the [i]others[/i] there, a strange looking man of a race that Nisa didn't know the name of. [color=Aquamarine][i]Hmm, not often two of us are in the same place, especially when I'm off duty. Better start watching out for anyone she might be after, wouldn't want to get in her way after all.[/i][/color]