[@BlackCat] As one particularly noticeable blob of red approached, the confused boy watched with squinted eyes until whatever it was became a fuzzy, roughly human shape and began to speak. When he looked down to its hands, he noticed a more familiar shape there. [color=a2d39c]"Ah, danke...er, thank you. Huh?"[/color] The movement of something else white and the sudden weight of something leaping onto him startled the boy as he reached out for the spectacles. Putting them on quickly, he blinked a couple times to adjust to the change in clarity and looked quickly to see the cat now staring up at him. [color=a2d39c]"Oh, hello there, Katzchen."[/color] Despite the odd awakening, he couldn't resist a smile as he petted the cat's fur before looking up at the little girl who had apparently found his glasses. [color=a2d39c]"Is she your cat? She's beautiful...ah...sorry, but...what's going on? Am I still dreaming right now?"[/color]