[b]Name:[/b] Shana [b]Gender:[/b] Female [hider=Appearance][center][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/ab0e1aaafe1c8fc319fdbfe321b5a20d/tumblr_np9rucpGB41tktcxmo1_1280.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [hider=Shinobi Appearance][center][img] http://safebooru.org//images/1158/446ac931a1e48a0b4526885751a39b03dbded157.jpg?1206559[/img][/center][/hider] [b]School:[/b] Gessen Gracious Academy [b]Morality:[/b] Neutral leaning towards Good [b]Year:[/b] Third [b]Guardian Spirit:[/b] Bat [b]Weapon:[/b] Twin Ninjatō along with several throwing knives. [b]Ninja Arts:[/b] [i]-Nightspeed Arc:[/i] With a burst of lightning, Shana dashes across enemy lines with blades in hand slashing away with deadly accuracy. She’s seen as a flicker of blue light during this attack. [i]-Fluttering Flash Step:[/i] A chain combo starting with a barrage of her knives. Once the enemy is disorientated, she closes in with two slashes from her blades before launching the enemy with a lightning charged pinwheel kick. [b]Ultimate Hidden Attack:[/b] Not unlocked yet. [b]Personality:[/b] A silent girl that usually keeps to herself but can be found regularly at the various training centers of Gessen Gracious Academy. Unfortunately, her cool and sophisticated nature has made her quite the student favorite to the underclassmen much to her chagrin. She doesn’t mind too much though she still prefers the peace of solitude. Even in combat, Shana is never one to make brash remarks and treats all missions as a true Shinobi should. Her favorite hobbies include secretly marveling at cute animals as well as finding new places to balance on. It’s not uncommon to find her standing gracefully atop the school flag pole at three in the morning. [b]Bio:[/b] A prestiged member of the Sakai Clan, noted for their inherent usage of lightning magic. Shana was trained to be a Shinobi as early as seven years old. In that ten year time frame, she’s become quite an adversary to both enemy and ally alike. Sometime ago she was accepted into Gessen Gracious Academy. Since then, she’s excelled at the top of her classes in both the mind and the body. She’s even rumored to be the fastest Shinobi in the school thanks in part to her natural affinity to lightning. Of course, with great achievement comes great loneliness. She’s too prideful to admit it, but she lacks friends, often remaining aloof from peers. Maybe she’ll bond with someone this school year? [b]RPs Featured In:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/81777-senran-kagura-zodiac-spirit/ic]Senran Kagura Zodiac Spirit[/url]