[b]Inside Bank[/b] The Agents fired smoke into the building just as the two other personal got out of the bank. The thick smog angered Flash bang who couldn't see and to make matters worst an elite sniper had sights on him. [color=9e0b0f][b]"Where the Hell is everyo-"[/b][/color] Just then a round penetrated Flash Bangs left shoulder going straight through the bone all while making an awful "CRACK" noise. Flash Bang yelled in pain as he dropped to his knees holding his shoulder. [color=9e0b0f][b]"I thought this stopped pain!!"[/b][/color] He said in agony just as another bullet missed him by inches. [b]Outside Bank[/b] As the mighty rifle rang out its second round the Agents were readied with standard issues glock pistols. They would have brought the heavy weapons but due to the assumption this was just another goon had only brought the light gear. As they neared the bank's broken windows Agent Ross took point along with Agent Mark and Greenhill. Their blacks suits now littered with smut and smoke as Ross was a foot away from entering the bank. "I think he is hurt I can hear some moans...but no visual yet." He said onto the comm channel. Out of nowhere a noise was being heard inside the bank;a screeching noise of metal. Before the Agents could react a large,metal,bench was thrown at the three leading men. Ross tripped trying to move out of the way but Mark and Greenhill were hit with the the full force of the bench knocking them at least five feet back. The cracks of ribs and even a nose were heard as the two fell onto the pavement. The other Agents following behind them which were three started firing rounds into the smoke all while a now very pissed Flash Bang was starting to emerge with many Flash grenades in his hand.