[center][img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/338/e/e/jojo_s_bizarre_adventure___english_logo_vector_by_mysteryezekude-d5n1tab.png[/img][/center] Welcome everyone to the J.J.B.A roleplay! For both fans of the JOJO series and those who may know nothing about it at all! I welcome you all to join in on the fun and to partake in a grand and bizarre adventure! THIS was an old roleplay that almost started but failed to start due to my father falling ill and because a lot of work had to be completed ontop of debts needing to be repayed! However I now have the freetime to start the roleplay up once more! Everyone who made an APP in the original RP may still do so! And copy/paste their old character from the characters section if they wish! First things first, for those who don't know, Jojo's bizarre adventure is an incredibly long running manga series which has been adapted into a videogame and more importantly into several anime seasons, this roleplay however will be based in its own alternative universe, so you do not need to know much about JOJO canon lore in order to understand it, this makes it easier to craft a story in the JOJO style and keep it open for people who dont know about the series to join it! Characters will be completely new and I will not be adding characters from previous JOJO adventures to make the rp seem fresh to the viewers who wish to partake. And I hope you all do! A few things i must note however: *: you can only be a protagonist, whether anti hero, or hero in general, the rp will have all roleplayers using their combined skills in order to stop a greater adversary which I will roleplay myself, to give a sense of co-operation. So heroes only! *: You can only be a Stand user despite characters in the show possessing multiple styles, i'm limiting it to one to reduce overpowered capabilities, this also includes my protagonist, so i will be on par with all of you. * try to make your character balanced in terms of strengths and weaknesses. Rules: Basic forum rules are obvious No powergaming No metagaming Feel free to use poor engrish in JoJo style! Some bands may be taken, as they will be used by some of my characters in the roleplay, if you cannot choose a certain band, it is because a character within the rp will already possess such a stands name. Do not post your character app in the characters tab until I have accepted you! Have fun and be as fabulous as you can be! Insert "To become one with fear itself"into the last question to prove you've read the rules. Try to make posts a minimum 5 lines/couple of paragraphs long. I'm not heavy on post length, but make it relevant. Posts will usually be once every week or whenever i can get some time off, which will be sometimes, I won't advance the plot too fast, so don't be afraid to take a day break or two. [more rules will be added if they need to be] As for the roleplay, The times are currently 2015 and the world is exactly like our own in terms of look and technology, however will contain fictional cities and towns for more creative reasons for the plot. The date is august 18th and the adventure begins in the fictional large city of Izayoi in japan. A typical dry boring day, you are a mere civilian walking among the streets of the city downtown, minding your own business and doing your own thing when the world instantaneously freezes around yourself, and the world is drenched in a dark black like palette, as an mysterious arrow whisks through the city and pierces our heroes, revealing and summoning their stand within themselves, other innocents are also stabbed, but die from blood loss and do not unleash a stand. Confused at the scenario, they are approached by an ominous entity... And the bizarre adventure shall begin...! Style: Stand: The user projects his or her inner guardian, an energy projection from within him or herself to protect themselves and assault their opponents with mystical powers, they can look however you desire but can only reach just over average human height. Your stand can also have a special power that only you can have, but the power must relate to your character stats below. You may also give your stand a name, it can be whatever you like but must be named after a band or a song, or a reference to a song/band. A stand can physically assault an enemy or use an ability but can only be seen by other stand users. If a stand travels too far, it becomes significantly weaker, loses its power and is incredibly vulnerable to attack. While your stand can take damage for you, you are still damaged by the attack, a high durability stand can reduce the damage you take, but will not negate it. [center][img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/355/7/2/jotaro_kujo_and_star_platinum_by_luciano6254-d6yrtin.png[/img][/center] Stats: You possess 5 skills, and have 10 points to pump into each stat ranging from E to A, you always start at E for each slot, so spending a point will raise it up to D, another point to C and so on. Destructive Power: Consists of your physical and magical damage, does not include weapons found on the street, and the like, the higher your damage, the lower your range must be (if your an A in destructive power, you mustn't be higher than a C in range, and vice versa for balance. Speed: How fast you move. Range: How far your stand can go before you start to get much more weak and lose your strength almost instantly, E range would be just infront of you, D would be 2 meters, C would be 5 meters, B would be 10 meters and A would be 20 meters Durability: How much damage can your stand take before you die. Precision : How accurate is your stand with ranged attacks? And does it have good dodge ability? Application: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Stand name: Stand ability: Stand appearance: Weapon: Personality: Bio: Honestly optional. Your previous events aren't very important in the rp but if you wish to tell me, you can. Stats: Destructive power: Speed: Range: Durability: Precision: What is courage?: [hider=example] Application: Name: Gibson Ves Hawkin - Nickname: Hot leg Hawkin Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: A 6 foot tall male with almost white pale skin, and black braided dreadlocks reaching half way down his back, two black lip piercings on each side of his bottom lip and three silver stubs on his nose on either side, he also has a tattoo on his right cheek of a black kissmark in the shape of a butterfly on top of it. Has dark hazel eyes, white lipstick on his mouth. Wears black fishnets for his shirt, a black bowtie and a black japanese school jacket tied around his waist, supporting black Japanese school boy pants, and heavy black high rock punk boots. Supports two tattoos on each hand, on his left reads kiss the other reads love. Stand name: THE DARKNESS Stand ability: Stand power: black manipulation - using his stand the darkness, he can pull his hand into anything that is black in colour and manipulate it for form a weapon or an object of his choosing, his stand can also use these weapons and sink into the blackness and attack his opponents from within, making him incredibly capable of damage at night. Stand appearance: A jet black shadow replica of Gibsons body, nothing special Weapon: Fists Personality: Affectionate, caring and loving, Gibson is very protective is a romantic despite his odd Gothic appearance, he treats women respectively and is simply someone who gets looked at the wrong way for his odd looks, he is smart and adaptable to his environment and despite some shyness, is very open to his own opinion and will express what he believes is the best course of action. Gibson is the type of friend you would like to have, he's not a user, laughs at jokes and is always around for the bad times, a friend you can trust. Gibson is very protective of his friends and will not hesitate to assault those who injure or threaten his friends, and would rather get beat up instead of his friends can escape, believing the lives of his comrades and allies are more important than he is. Bio: Do this one yourselves! stats: Destructive power: C Speed: D Range: A Durability: D Precision: C What is courage?: READ THE RULES [/hider]