Real Name: Angelo ortega Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Angelo is a nice person to others and is generally helpful to those in need. Angelo believes in the rule of Karma and believes that the more good things he does the good things will happen to him so he really tries to avoid being a mean person to others. Angelo is a smart ass to most people giving off sarcastic comments and generally speaking his mind which gives most people the wrong impression, but that isn't always a bad thing because in even the most dire of situations he will come up with something to say to ease the tension in the room. Angelo has problems with authority figures and as a result will more often then not try to go against them. History: Angelo was born in the city of San Juan Puerto Rico his father was in the army while his mother was a nurse. As one would expect his father made them travel a lot so Angelo would go to different places but his father was also a tight ass who believed the world owed him something so Angelo never really liked him, hence his reason for not listening to most authority figures. His mom however he always trusted and was on his side most of the time. Their was even a time when they were stationed in Alaska for a time and one day Angelo just got sick of his father and decided to just walk. He wasn't really running away he was just going in a direction and sticking with it, he didn't have the forethought to bring supplies with him though since he thought they would realize he left and they would have a story book ending. As Angelo walked he just kept walking and soon a storm blew in and he got chilled to the bone Angelo liked the cold but not like this and as a result he nearly died from frostbite. Thankfully he was found by some state troopers and was brought back to health. Since then though Angelo has been able to tolerate cold temperatures and he still resents his father for not trying to go after him. Now at 18 he moved out and got a job working in a dinner to pay off his tuition in college to become a game designer... [hider=status window] Level: 1 XP: 0 37/56 Points Remaining (none lower than 1, none higher than 10 at Character Creation, free points from Skills and Attributes can make them higher than 10 though) STR:6 VIT:4 AGI:8 (+1) Dex:9 INT:2 (+1) WIS:3 CHA:5 SPI:4 LUK:2 HP: HP Regen: MP: MP Regen: Constitution: Resistance: [/hider] [hider=talent window] Acrobatics (AGI): 4 Appraisal (INT):1 Climbing (STR): 1 Fisticuffs (AGI): 3 Focus (WIS):2 Knowledge (INT):1 Manipulate Device (AGI): 3 Melee Weaponry (AGI): 4 Negotiation (CHA):1 Observation (INT):0 Projectile Weaponry (AGI):4 Sleight of Hand (AGI):2 Stealth (AGI):3 Thrown Weapons (AGI):1 [/hider] [hider=equipment] Main Hand: sword Off Hand: empty Body: white shirt Head: white fedora Arms: white coat Feet: sneakers Accessories: Gold necklace 6/10 Slots Used Money: 10,000 Yen (¥) [/hider]