[center][h1][b]Fairy Tail OCs[/b][/h1][/center] Name: Damian "Blades" Gerard, Blade of Phoenix Wing Age: 26 [hider=Arsenal Magic: Wolfen Blade Master] Arsenal Magic is, in and of itself, interesting in that those who use it are contained to one form of weaponry. For example, the Ax Man uses axes and only axes, but they allow the wielder to also affect certain elements as well as boosting natural abilities of the wielder. The Wolfen Blade Master grants the use of swords that boost specific natural abilities depending on the weapon. Alongside this, the wielder is in command of a pack of magically summoned wolves. Damian can command these wolves with little more than a quick thought and he can only summon two at max right now, though as he grows stronger, he’ll be able to summon up to eight. [hider=Spells] The key point of Arsenal Magic is that it allows summoning specific blades, or swords in this case, that offer boosts and similar effects. However, Damian has also learned to project hiltless blades for ranged spells. Blade Rain-Summons a series of sword blades to fall upon a target area. Usually summons twenty blades and can chase a fleeing target a limited distance from the summon location. Gains additional effects based on the level of Power Lock released, such as the release of the Omega Lock causes a wave of swords to rise five feet straight forward after impact while the first lock’s release, Alpha, simply increases the number of blades from twenty to thirty-five. Three Point Strike-Summons three sword blades that strike in a triangle formation with their tips meeting in the middle. Striker Blade-A single large blade that Damian typically uses for fast and aerial transport when he needs to move fast. Often uses it for fast slash strikes as well as avoiding having to pay for a train ticket. Six Point Strike- Usually used on an airborne enemy, four sword blades strike in a square and one strikes from the bottom and the last one strikes from the bottom, all six points meeting in the middle. Sonic Thrust-Unleashes magical energy straight back, allowing a powerful and speedy thrust over a five meter distance that can impale the target against whatever’s behind it but also allow Damian to speedily reposition himself on the other side of the opponent. More powerful versions add a pair of blades that follow behind at a slight delay. Locked behind Power Lock Alpha. Ragnarok Blade- Summons a magical extension on the currently wielded sword that gives a longer reach and wider strike range. Locked behind Power Lock Alpha. Bladed Whirlwind- This spell summons a tornado of ethereal blades that can shred a person in seconds if they don’t dodge or counter the spell and break it. Locked behind Power Lock Alpha. Judgement Strike-Delivering a stunning blow to a single enemy, Damian unleashes a powerful magically enhanced slice to finish the fight. Locked behind Power Lock Omega. Shatter: Ten Thousand Blades-Damian’s ultimate spell, locked away behind the overcharged power of the Delta Breaker Power Lock, this spell turns a single blade into ten thousand more after the initial slash, which Damian uses at blinding speeds to deliver ten thousand more attacks on the affected foe, culminating in an explosive final slash. More to come as I remember/make them.[/hider] [hider=Blade Summons]Ares Blade- A katana that looks like [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/64f55a4d-5bb1-4ab4-b766-bf26fa22fff5.jpg]this[/url]. Grants boost to survivability in the form of increased durability and grants the ability to project strikes further with fire. Hermes Blades- Twin short swords that look like [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/7d480564-69e1-49a9-a080-a3279fc8ec97.jpg]this[/url]. Grants boost to speed and agility. Hercules Blade-Glaive that looks like [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/a4751a66-d032-4163-9e6d-0b492b74055a.jpg]this[/url]. Boosts to strength and gives the ability to enhance attacks with wind power. Armageddon Blade- A greatsword that looks like [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e5fb447d-b600-48b1-8bca-12a9e0a5451c.jpg]this[/url]. Boost effect to all "stats" but more refined. Also grants the ability to distort gravity around ONLY the target, or in rare cases, targets, making it heavier or lighter as needed.[/hider] [hider=Power Locks] Power Lock Alpha- The first of three skill locks, Damian begins below this, as he can’t handle his full magic power at once yet. His magic and magic circle are orange while this lock is active, and releasing them with the code “Release Power Lock Alpha. Confirmation Ceta-Zulu-Foxtrot-Bravo” turns the magic energy green as more of it is allowed to flow. Eventually, Alpha is the standard level that Damian operates at as steady training allows his body to handle the power. Allows the use of several more powerful variations of his spells as well as Sonic Thrust and Ragnarok Blade. Power lock Omega- The second of three skill locks, this is Damian’s full power without overcharging his body with it, but it also leaves much more wear and tear the longer he uses it. Upon release with the phrase "Release Power Lock Alpha. Confirmation Beta-Delta-Epsilon-Ceta,” The full power he carries is unleashed as his magic energy and circle turn from green to black. Operating at full power like this seems unattainable at his current limit, but he may eventually be able to work without the Power Locks in place. Allows the use of many more of his more powerful spells, both new spells, such as Judgement Strike, and variations of existing spells. Hidden Power Lock Delta Breaker- The final of the three power locks, this overclocks Damian’s magic power, turning him into a powerhouse, but burning him out and turning his black magic circle into one of white with a red undertone. It is released almost instinctively, in moments of great need and danger. It also allows the use of Shatter: Ten Thousand Blades.[/hider][/hider] [hider=Dragon Armement Arts] A Holder type magic that requires a weapon or shield forged from a body part, typically the fangs, claws, or scales, of a dragon. Due to the lingering power within the body part, any attacks made are augmented by phantom dragon attacks of the matching element, as well as each weapon having unique spells based on the weapon it is forged into. Damian wields [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/8270dd9d-333b-49f8-9635-f76503710e41.jpg]Andor, Hemlock’s Memory[/url], a katana made and forged from one of the poison dragon’s teeth. Before he passed, Hemlock described it as one of his more powerful fangs, containing immense power. [hider=Spells unique to Andor]Dragon Beats, Poison Style- Briefly imbues the wielder with immense speed that allows for three quick and shallow cuts across exposed skin on an enemy. The damage comes from the poison that lines the edge of the katana’s blade, which can paralyze those affected in a matter of minutes and proves fatal if an anti-venom of any kind is not used within six hours. Dragon Beats- Imbues the wielder with increased speed for a short time as well as manifesting spectral wings that grant limited flight. Poisonous Flair- The blade is enveloped in a purple and red flame, allowing for ranged slicing attacks that getting even nicked by can prove dangerous. Crescent Cleave: Toxic Hell-The strongest unique spell Damian has found, this turns a fifty foot area around the wielder into a poison filled hell for ten seconds which is then cleaved in two by a powerful crescent cleave from Andor, dispersing the poison and finishing any foes not yet defeated by the toxins in the air.[/hider] [hider=Common Spells, Dragon Armament Arts]Dragon’s Maw: Typically a thrusting attack that summons a Spectral Dragon mouth full of fangs matching the element of the dragon the fang or claw was taken from. Claw Rake: A horizontal slash summoning dragon claws that rend whatever is in front of them into pieces. Wind Blast: A horizontal slash that sends out gusts of the dragon’s element, sent out by the spectral dragon wings flapping down and forwards.[/hider][/hider] Magic Level: S History: Damian was born to parents who were both enlisted in the Fiore Royal Army. His father was a Captain with a brilliant tactical mind and his mother a compassionate sergeant serving in another regiment until the two were combined to help patrol the border. The bulk of his childhood consisted of sticking close to his mother and spending time with his father when they were on leave as a family, with weapons and hand-to-hand training filling much of the family's time. When he turned eight, the unit was posted in an official fort near the border with Bosco and what was only spare time training became full time training. At the age of thirteen, he was considered a part of the 42nd Border Control Unit of the Royal Army of Fiore. Two years later, after he’d turned fifteen, tragedy struck. During a battle with some monsters that the unit had been tracking for months, his father was killed and his mother fatally wounded. In the stress of the moment, Damian’s pain and grief caused his magic to manifest in full and mostly uncontrolled and he unleashed a hailstorm of ethereal sword blades that laid waste to the monsters and gave the Royal Army the time it needed to gather up the dead and wounded and fall back. As they returned to the fort, many of the soldiers could hardly blame Damian as he rode on horseback with the Unit’s second in command, his mother being carried in a stretcher as they rushed back. Hours were poured into trying to save her as medics both magical and mundane tried to stabilize the young woman that the youngest member of the unit would have at least one parent, but to no avail as his mother lay dying, the blood loss too great and the injury, a gash across her chest, too grievous. Damian was finally allowed in to see her as she took her final breaths on a bed in the medical wing of the fort, she held his cheek in her hand and said, "My son, your father and I love you very much and we’re both so proud of you. You stood your ground and fought valiantly against foes more numerous and easily stronger than you. You protected your home and there’s nothing else to be said for that. Please, turn your strength towards helping others. I love you, my baby boy..." The light faded from her eyes and the arm fell limp. It was a week after his mother died that Damian resigned from the unit and set off into Fiore with the goal of finding a mages guild to join and hone his magical skill in. During the interim years before he joined up with Phoenix Wing, Damian trained with his magic, but found that because he’d never known he had it and so didn’t learn to focus and regulate his magical strength, his full strength would cause his body to burn up and leave him exhausted and unable to do anything for up to weeks at a time. Coming across a mage who specialised in a form of locking magic, the mage identified two locking ‘mechanisms’ in him that helped regulate his power until his body was prepared for it and initiated them. The wolf pack first appeared during a job in which he and Penny were at great risk of being overwhelmed, evening the odds after splitting from the Ares Blade. They are now always around him. Personality: While still a very tactically minded person and also stern as all get out for those that need it, Damian has also softened up somewhat over the years, due in large part to his relationship with Penny. However, smiling is still a semi-rare occurrence, likened to his caring deeply for the guild now. Team Members: Penny Three Strengths: 1. Tactically Inclined 2. Agile 3. Combat skills that don't require magic Three Weaknesses: 1. Quick temper 2. Too focused 3. Tendency to overthink Greatest Love: Music Motivation: Wants to protect those he cares about from any and all harm. Oh, and pie. Appearance: Damian stands at six feet tall with platinum blonde hair and azure colored eyes. His hair is cut short, though he no longer worries as much about keeping away the bangs. He has a square jaw with a sort of narrow face, but is overall a handsome young man. He wears leather armor to allow for maximum range of movement and speed while still providing some kind of protection, which has further been augmented by adding metal bits and scale mail pieces, such as gauntlets and boots, to his armored attire. His build is lithe and strong, but he's not hugely built. He's more lean and muscular. Image:[hider][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/d77e728a-1b30-4af2-9454-72c547fe9590.png[/img][/hider] Additional Details: His guild mark is black on his right shoulder and two cats, a Maine Coon named Tigger and a Serval named Alessa. Equipment: [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/cd6c9ae9-b720-4ee7-a4ba-6824344dc6e6.jpg]Andor, Hemlock’s Memory[/url]: Formerly a [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/da70eb2b-5ccb-48a0-ae37-0e9ddcd70931.png]great sword[/url], Damian had it reforged into the katana it is now after it became apparent that he could by no means draw out its hidden power in a different form. Theme: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPX3DBQDa2Q]Fires of War[/url] [hr] Name: James Avelane, First Paladin Age: 27 Birthday: January 19, X867 [hider=Paladin Magic, Light of the Avenger] What started as little more than the holy magic wielded by those of the most devout of faith in both the Light and the Kingdom of Fiore has since evolved to become more and been defined by the first Paladin of the Avelane family in over six generations. The end result of these experiences was the magic became that of an Avenger, especially after he met another of his Order, a wielder of the Paladin Magic, who’d become an Oathbreaker. While he retains many of his support spells, the trade off is that he is now more focused on the attack, pushing his foes defenses and punishing their weaknesses with power and finesse. [hider=Support Spells]Healing Touch: A simple healing spell for light to moderate wounds. It can reduce a severe wound to something more survivable, but not heal it completely. Shield of Faith: Projects an energy shield around an ally that can absorb the impact of several standard spells or one powerful spell before vanishing. Can also be used on the caster. Divine Protection: A powerful defensive spell, this protects the caster from most magic based attacks, though without the full incantation, it’s not very strong. Incantation- “By thy guiding hand and blessed light, I ask thy protection from the energies the heretics will cast my way. Divine Protection!” Light’s Bulwark: A powerful defensive spell for a small group or single person that erects three walls of protective Holy magic that are transparent in the middle but can be seen via their glowing around the edges. Requires a full incantation to be at full power. Incantation- “A barrier to stop His enemies, Light’s Bulwark!” Healing Light: A more powerful healing spell, able to heal all but the most grievous of wounds in just a few seconds. More draining based on the severity of the injury. Cleansing Light: Cleanses non-demonic curses, dark magic, and toxins from a person or area. Shield Wall: A defensive spell that throws up a series of shield panels composed of light and holy magic. Is five across and about ten feet tall. Anyone behind it is shielded, including the caster. Blessed Ground: Consecrates a twenty foot area around the caster with holy magic, making all dark magic and poison magic worthless, as well as reducing the power of necromantic spells and cleansing undead of their corruption. Requires an incantation to use. Incantation- “Blessed by His hand and consecrated by His hand, Blessed Ground!” Blood of the Lamb: This is one of James’ most dangerous spells, not because of the physical harm it can cause, but because of the psychological damage it causes. Powered by a God of Justice, this spell forces the target to relive all their sins and transgressions in an instant, forcing the feelings of those affected by them upon the target. If one is not intent on truly redeeming themselves, they are forced to relive everything until they ask for redemption and absolvement.[/hider] [hider=Offensive Spells] Holy Smite: A truly basic Paladin Spell, it summons a falling hammer of light and holy magic to fall on a target and explode. Can also be used to cause concussions if the explosion is unneeded. It can also be used to augment a melee strike with Holy and Light magic. Judgement: Fires a disc of light energy from the caster’s shield. Shield of Judgement: Charging his shield with light and holy magic, James throws it. After one direct blow against the opponent and around six ricochets which can include additional strikes, the shield returns to the owner. Holy Might: This spell charges both the user’s weapon and body with holy magic before increasing the size of both, allowing for a powerful overhead strike before both return to normal size. The raw power comes from the size gained and so the elemental damage is secondary with this attack. Holy Spear- A simple spell that has James launch or throw a spear of pure Holy magic at an enemy. Exploding Light: With the addition of a revolver to James armament, his magic can be used through its rounds. Exploding Light is a spell that causes any bullets fired from it recently to explode in holy magic. Holy Flame: A pure white flame of Holy magic is expelled from either the top of the shield or the tip on the bottom of his new shield. Holy Wave: Unleashes a wave of holy energy in the direction slashed. Wrath of the Light: Sacrificing his shield to wield his sword and revolver in tandem, he briefly channels the pure power of the Light to unleash a barrage of bullets and slash attacks on the intended target that ends in a pillar of holy magic surging up beneath the target and wiping them from existence if they’re weak enough, otherwise wounding them severely.[/hider][/hider] Magic Level: A History: James is the son of two Knights of Fiore who disappeared from the capital city of Crocus when it was discovered their only son could use magic and use it well. He discovered this extraordinary ability at the age of 10, when he was defending a friend from some bullies that had taken to singling her out and picking on her because she wasn't as good at swordplay as some others. In fact, she was among those who preferred to be at a distance with a bow or crossbow, something which many of the other kids found to be worth making fun of someone over due to the seemingly cowardly nature of ranged fighting, though thinning enemy numbers before a melee was tactically sound and incredibly important. Most only did it in passing and in good fun, their parents had honor, why couldn't their children, but this particular boy, his name Dean Trenan, though he was often called Ratfink due to his detestable nature, made a vicious sport of it and had already forced six other children to find other places to learn their family profession due to failure by both instructors and parents to catch him in the act and properly discipline him. The day James discovered his magic abilities, Ratfink had led the girl, her name Lianna, off to a corner of the sparring field out of the instructor's sight. Besides that, the instructor, an older knight who had retired after taking an arrow to the knee, though more like six, was busy breaking up a far more noticeable fight between two other students who’d started just trying to give each other bruises. Ratfink had already disarmed and knocked Lianna to the ground and was now hitting her mercilessly with his wooden practice sword, calling her a cowardly knight for wanting to use a bow over the sword and that she should leave the training and never come back. James, who had just finished his match, had seen this and, after quietly approaching to avoid warning the bully, intercepted one of the swings with his own practice sword, pushing the despicable boy back and stepping between her and him, his wooden practice shield held up high. James interceding drew a laugh from Ratfink, who thought that James was a fool for protecting a ‘coward’ and attacked. The two exchanged a series of blows and blocks, with taunts from Ratfink thrown in occasionally, when the bully got lucky and knocked James’ shield open and to his left. Aiming to deliver a painful blow to James's face, the bully swung his sword with all his might, only for the wood to break on impact. Upon the young ten year old's head and body was a suit of magic armor that shimmered with holy light. Stunned, the distasteful young man attempted to flee back to the instructor, who was critiquing another match, but was tripped by a thrown shield from James and fell sprawling to the ground. The ten year old then proceeded to disarm him of the hilt of his wooden sword and knock unconscious Ratfink. He returned home after informing the instructor of the incident, unaware that mentioning his magic was a bad idea, told his parents upon returning home. They left that night after questioning James thoroughly, before the Rune Knights of the Magic Council could arrive and take their son away for a crime he’d had no part in and fled to a mountain home they’d maintained secretly near Mount Hakobe. He spent ten years training with his parents in the mountains of Fiore, growing stronger in both magic and weapon skill. After the events of Tenrou Island, James returned home to train further under his father and mother’s guidance once more. His armor and sword and shield changed over the six month time of that first year and he gained a revolver as well, which his father taught him how to wield with dangerous effectiveness. It was in the seventh month that he eventually found out that, despite his family’s name being Hunt in the royal records, he was actually a member of the Avelane family, once a family of powerful Paladins that had lost their magic six generations prior due to an Oathbreaker forsaking everything for her own goals. As he mulled over these implications and various reasons for hiding their names, the young man couldn't help but wonder if the Dark Paladin he’d crossed blades with before was that same ancestor who’d become an Oathbreaker.. Personality: James remains very much a straight shooter, but his sense of humor has improved and he doesn’t always look at people like he’s judging them intently. In fact, one could say he’s only truly hard on those he doesn’t trust or know and unforgiving with his enemies. Team Members: Cody Bloodstein Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Steadfast, won't give up on his beliefs or others 2. Thinks clearly in any situation 3. Reliable, will be there when you need him Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Can be too stubborn sometimes. 2. Has very few applicable skills besides his magic 3. Habit of using sarcasm at the worst time Greatest Love: Sword play Motivation: Protecting those who can't protect themselves. Appearance: [hider=Helmet] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/011c325b-09d4-4d35-8cab-94a3cb355fd3.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Armor][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/cd8ce326-9fe3-4bd5-8f22-1c94a34af693.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Without helmet] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/66be434e-8e9f-42e3-ab36-d6e2d3c5866d.jpg[/img][/hider] Additional Details: When he summons his armor, he also summons his sword and shield. Commonly seen in armor though, so his sword and shield are on his back. Guild Mark is golden on the back of his left hand. [hider=Armaments] [hider=Sword][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/2fadf824-1717-439d-9c8b-12267aabf231.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Shield][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/95e3171c-7554-4d67-893e-05e7a299699c.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Revolver][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/ccc12487-5a98-4fbf-acfa-00caea5d17ab.jpg[/img][/hider] There is a silver cross embossed on the grip and on the top of the barrel, which isn’t shown in the picture.[/hider] Theme: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3jnN6tx9F4]Attack- 30 Seconds to Mars[/url] [hr] Name: Aaron Dermentes Age: 24 Gender: Male Magic: [hider=Lightening God Slayer] It is a form of Ancient Spell in which the caster is able to attain the abilities of a "God", using lightening as their element of choice. The lightening elemental type of God Slayer Magic can be conjured from the caster's body and be used for various purposes, mainly in combat. It is said that the original usage of this Magic was to slay "Gods". In addition, the color of the Lightening God Slayer's element has a black tint, though the reason is unknown. Like other Slayers(Including God and Demon), the user is able to consume external sources of lightening to increase his power and restore magic energy. The power of the Lightening God Slayer, once he is strong enough, can be immense and used to desolate a large area with powerful lightening strikes. Jason is not nearly strong enough to do this, with his most powerful spell being the Lightening God's Bellow. Other moves include the Lightening God's Judgement Strike, akin to a Dragon Slayer's fist attack, and Lightening God's Punishment, akin to a Dragon Slayer's talon attack.[/hider] Appearance: [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/82926da8-faad-4443-a9b6-cc49efb4c90a.png[/img] His tattoo is on his right arm just below the shoulder, where it can always be seen and is a golden color. History: Aaron grew up in a small town in Fiore off the beaten path from the more popular places like Magnolia or Hargeon Town. It was a town of mostly scholars and archive magicians, but also a small family of book keepers. This is the family that Aaron had been born into, and it should not have been a surprise when the family came into possession of an ancient book. More specifically, a young Aaron Dermentes came to possess it when a strange man, the Lightening God Slayer of the time, handed it to him. "Inside this book lies a way for you to escape this mediocridy and come to understand your true potential." Leaving a confused Aaron behind, the man continued on and left town the next day. Hiding in a section of the book shop his family owned where no one could find him, he knew the shop better than even his parents, he began reading the ancient text inside, which showed him the secrets of God Slayer magic and how to learn it. [i]This must be what that strange man meant by a way to escape from here.[/i] After three days and two nights of extensive study to ensure he had learned all he could from the book, he snuck away from his home to a secluded part of the forest to practice. His first spell left his right hand feeling numb for weeks, but it progressively got better as the weeks went by, the numbness lasting less and less time, until he began to grow stronger, physically and magically. After practicing for eight years, by which time he was 17, he took leave from his home, his parents feeling conflicted feelings for their son. He had grown up to be so strong, yet they feared he may yet turn to a darker path. Aaron nearly had, when he was corned by a dark guild known as Unending Shadow two years later. They had worn him down, battering at him with all the magic they could for hours until he was on his knees and gasping for air. They offered him two choices, join their guild and survive or continue to fight and be killed. He had debated for several minutes, wavering back and forth between survival and death before deciding. But even as he began to stand to defy them further, they were sent packing, several members of Fairy Tail showing up just in time to save him. Seeing Aaron's injured and tired form struggling to stand, they helped him up and took him back to their guild hall, where he rested and healed before deciding to join their guild. And he didn't regret it. He was welcomed with open arms and there had always been someone to talk to if he had problems or someone to help him on a job when he needed it. He wrote to his parents after his first year with them, telling them of his adventures up to that point and how happy he was. His parents wrote back, saying how proud of him they were and that they were happy he'd found a good guild. But that was the last he heard from them. The same month he got their letter back, his home village was wiped from the map by the Unending Shadow in retaliation for Fairy Tail saving Aaron. He has been determined to find them ever since, though he doesn't let that keep him from other jobs or helping his guild mates when they need it. Legend and Lore: In the two years Aaron spent traveling, he came across an ancient temple in a canyon deep in a jungle he'd been exploring. He hadn't dared enter it, sensing something powerful and ancient inside, so he instead kept it's location a secret and destroyed the canyon entrance, closing it off until he felt strong enough to return and investigate. Personality: Aaron is somewhat reserved even after five years in the Fairy Tail guild. Part of that is because he fears that anyone he grows close to will be targeted by the Unending Shadow for refusing their "generous offer." Once you get past his shell, he can be kind of a goof ball and most definitely has a hard time talking with girls. Unless they're a friend, in which case he's totally at ease. Other notes or sections that I might have forgot: Enjoys his burgers immensely His parents's deaths are a touchy subject, and if it is brought up, he can get angry quickly. Is determined to make the dark guild Unending Shadow face justice for what they did to his home town.