[center][h1][b]Megaman EXE OC[/b][/h1][/center] [hider=Brian/Blade.exe]Appearance: [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130709225705/sodor-high-school/images/2/26/Thomas_Anime.jpg[/img] Stands six foot tall, well toned build. Name: Brian Elwood Age: 16 Gender: Male PET: Black and blood red wrist attached PET, looks like an oversized rectangular watch. Is capable of wirelessly connecting to the NET. Skills: Is incredibly skilled with a katana and at Kendo as well as being an Orange belt in ninjitsu. Can make some mean french fries. Personality: When he isn't fighting, he's funny and likeable, but he has his honor. In battle, he's fierce and determined. Loyal at all times to his friends. History: Brian has been mixed up in the wonky events of the NET since the day he first got his Navi, Blade. From the first time NET Terrorists attacked it to the current preparation to phase out of the NET to EM technology, though he wasn't excited to say goodbye to Blade. Without the NET, everyone knew that it was only a matter of time before the old Navis became an obsolete defense. Fortunately, his father was on the team researching the waves and was trying to find a way to keep Blade at least up to date. Other: Is a homemade french fry addict. Appearance: [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/99a3b58b-0cae-4034-9201-457b32383d72.png[/img] Navi Name: Blade.exe Navi Type: Medium-range/CQC Specialist Custom Navi Weapon(s): Uses the sword blades on his gunblades for melee and uses them as guns for ranged. Charged shot consists of a giant beam fired from both gunblades. Elemental Alignment: None Personality: The constant serious to counteract the immaturity of Jake. Can make jokes, but he's yet to be funny. Other: Uses the Equip Change program, which let's him switch his swords out for other weapons. [center]Battle Chips[/center] -3 Cannons -3 Sword -3 Wideblade -3 Longblade -1 ElecSword -1 BambooSword -1 StepSword -2 AquaNeedle1 -3 Recover -2 AreaGrab -1 CrossDiv -1AntiSword[/hider]