[center][h1][b]Naruto OC[/b][/h1][/center] Appearance: [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130207033609/thenarutofanon/images/1/16/Akira_Uchiha.png[/img] Name: Katsuo Uchiha Age: 25 Gender: Male Rank: Jonin Skills: As a member of the Uchiha clan, Jerin has a natural affinity for combat techniques, including taijutsu and ninjutsu, though he is extremely adept at genjutsu and shurikenjutsu. Is also skilled at Oragami, though that's more of a hobby. Specialty: Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, Strategy, Ocular Genjutsu, Shurikenjutsu Release Types: Wind Release, Fire Release, Yin Release, Yang Release, Mangekyo Sharingan Equipment: Shuriken x30, kunai x30, thin metal wires, senbon x20, windmill shuriken x2, Exploding Note x15, Katana Kekkei Genkai: Jerin is one of the members of the Uchiha clan that can utilize the Sharingan. Senjutsu: Western Dragon Sage Mode- While in Western Dragon Sage Mode, his eyes turn golden with a black vertical slit and he gains red-tinted outlining around his eyes. Gains the ability to sprout red-scaled wings from his back and access to Sage Arts and what he calls the Firestorm Release. Other Clan Traits: As an Uchiha, Jerin holds powerful chakra, with the capability for exceptionally strong techniques, as well as a natural aptitude for anything combat-related, from taijutsu to the Uchiha specialization of shurikenjutsu. He also has a natural affinity for Fire and Wind Release. Personality: Caring and protective, but hidden under a cool and unattached external facade that can be broken if you know how. History: Jerin is the youngest child of Sasuke and Sakura Uchiha and the only son. Growing up, Sasuke spent a lot of time with him to help them both escape a house full of females and so Sasuke could begin training him to be the best ninja he could and bring pride to the Uchiha name that Jerin's grandparents had managed to destroy when they plotted to betray Konoha. One of the first techniques the young boy mastered was the Great Fireball Technique, a ninjutsu that the Uchiha clan had been using for years. Then came the Uchiha Flame Formation and several others, with the young boy taking to any combat oriented challenge thrown his way, mastering most tai and ninjutsu techniques he saw and was taught very quickly. This resulted in him graduating top of his class from the Academy. As he grew older, he and his team grew exponentially in skill and both individual and team strength, soon taking A ranked missions on a regular basis. After the Jonin exams, which he passed, he and the team medic, Emiko, formed their own team with only the two of them. This ended in tragedy when Emiko was killed by a rival team from the Village Hidden in the Sand, Sunagakure. As she bled out in his arms, an ironic fate for a medic, his Sharingan awakened, skipping the base form entirely and going straight to the Mangekyo. His mind was consumed with a lust to make the shinobi before him pay and so his first Mangekyo ability manifested in the form of a shadowy katana that floats alongside or behind him. The Sand ninjas were unprepared for an Uchiha and he finished the mission, returning home with the body of his fallen comrade and, as was eventually revealed, lover. When his father questioned him about why he already wielded the Mangekyo Sharingan, the young man broke down. The mission, an escort mission for a diplomat, had supposed to have been his and Emika's last until after their marriage and the birth of their child, who they'd recently found out she was several weeks along with. The death of both of them awoke something inside Jerin and hence his Mangekyo was awoken. Other: Over the last couple of years, Jerin has added three more shadow katana to his first Mangekyo Ability, which he calls Armory. His second ability has also manifested, an ability Sasuke was familiar with called Kamui, useful for dimensional travel and countering dangerous attacks. Firestorm Release: Combining the Fire and Wind Releases, the Firestorm release contains attributes from both these releases as well as the unique trait of being capable of cutting through most known materials due to the origin natures. However, the Release is so powerful, only a powerful Shinobi or a shinobi capable of Senjutsu-Sage Mode can use it. [hider=Mangekyo Sharingan][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/1acd421b-832c-407f-8dc9-2aec487d15fd.jpg[/img][/hider]